March 20, 1970
Dr. J. W. Edgar Opinion No. N- 599
Commlsslonerof Education
Texas Education Agency Re: Authority of Sunnyvale Town
201 East 11th Street Council to serve as the
Austin, Texas 78711 Board of Trustees of the
munlclpal Sunnyvale Indepen-
dent School District and to
forward to the district state
Dear Dr. Edgar: school funds while so serving.
In your letter requesting an opinion from this office,
you submit the following facts:
“In 1953, Sunnyvale IndependentSchool
District was created a ntunlclpalschool dls-
trlct pursuant to Article 2768, et seq., V.C.S.
Town of Sunnyvale v. Dallas County Board of
School Trustees, 283 S.W.2d 296. So far as we
have been able to ascertain, It has had a school
board of seven members; three or two members are
elected annually for three year terms. The
school board operated Its school system (8 grades)
until August 18, 1969 when the Town Council of
Sunnyvale assumed full operationalauthority and
management of the Sunnyvale Independent School
District under a Resolution adopted at a special
meeting of the council. . . .
"Our latest InformationIs that the Town
Council has been meeting as a school board since
last summer. According to the school principal,
everything has been peaceful and the school Is
operating smoothly.
. e .
"This Agency la concerned as to the authority,
If any, of the Sunnyvale Town Council to serve and
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 2 (M-599)
to continue to act, as It currently Is, In the
capacity of a school board for the municipal
Sunnyvale Independent School District.
Personnel of this Agency have visited to&'a;-
thorltles for their reaction with respect there-
to. Locally nothing Is being done to change the
situation; counsel for the town feeling that the
town council has full authority as such to act as
a school board, in lieu of the elected school
board It purported by resolution to depose.
"The time for election of school trustees
Is fast approaching. If legally the town oouncll
may not serve as a school board then perhaps the
district should be Immediatelyapprlsed of the
necessity for holding a trustee election to fill
those offices which normally will expire In April,
Other considerationsdeemed pertinent to the proper
disposition of this matter are disclosed by a decision In the
case of Town of Sun vale v. Dallas County-Boardof School
Trustees, et al., 2 S.W.2d 296 (Tex.Clv.Apm3 , no writ),
wherein the Court stated at page 297 the following:
eThe facts were not In dispute.
s .
Appellant Is a town duly Incorporatedunder
Ch. II, Title 28, R.C.S. of Texas, Vernon's 1133, et seq.; Its Incorporation
having been validated by Ch. 177, p. 492, Acts'
53rd Leg., 1953, Vernon's 966c.
The Town of Sunnyvale boundaries were thereafter
duly extended, under authority of Art. 1139,
R.C.S., by an annexation ordinance after petition
of a majority of the InhabitantsIn the territory
to be annexed. On Nov. 21, 1953, by a vote of
47 to 5, Sunnyvale assumed and took exclusive
control of the public free schools within Its
limits under Art. 2768, R.C.S., and Sec. 10, Art.
11, of the Texas Constitution,Vernon's Ann.St.
effective Dec. 31, 1953. . . .'
The Resolution enacted by the Town Council of Sunnyvale
on August 18, 1969, reads, In part:
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 3 (M-599)
“1. That all authority In connection with
the school system of the Town of Sunnyvale here-
tofore delegated to the Board of School Trustees
of Sunnyvale IndependentSchool District be and
the same Is hereby rescinded and terminated,and
the entire operation of the Schools within the
corporate limits of the Town of Sunnyvale is
hereby reposed and placed In the Town Council
of the Town of Sunnyvale, and.such committees
as It may designate to manage, control and
operate such schools, effective lmmedlately;
“2. That any and all actions heretofore
undertaken by the Board of School Trustees of
Sunnyvale Independent School District In connec-
tion with the operation of a Ninth Qrade for the
ensuing scholasticyear be and they are hereby
vetoed) nullified, and voided;
“3. That all presently existing contracts
heretoforemade by the said School Board, save
and except any obligationsundertaken In connec-
tion with the operation of the Ninth Grade for
the ensulng scholastic year, be and they are
hereby adopted and validatedby the Town Council
of the Town of Sunnyvale, which will be substituted
therein for the said School Board;
‘4. That the Town Council, acting through
the Chairman of Its School Committee and such other
persons as may be designated, shall Immediately
take charge of all physical properties and other
assets pertaining to the school system, and pro-
ceed to operate the Schools up to and Including
the Eighth Qrade for the coming scholastic year;
11 II
. . .
In view of all of the foregoing,you ask the following
“If no authority lies In the five member
Sunnyvale Town Council to act or serve as the
Board of Trustees of the municipal Sunnyvale
IndependentSchool District, should this Agency
continue to forward to the district state school
funds while it 1s so operated?”
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 4(M-599)
H.B. 534, Acts 61st Leg., Regular Session, 1969, en-
acted the Texas Education Code. The Code became effective on
September 1, 1969, and now controls Sunnyvale IndependentSchool
Article 2768, Vernon's Civil Statutes,under which the
Sunnyvale IndependentSchool District was created, IS repealed
by Sec. lg.161 of the Texas Education Code on the same subject.
However, from a conslderatlon.ofthe general.lawsnow repealed
(Articles 2768, 2771, 2774(a), 2772, 2773(a), 2773, V.C.S.), we
must conclude that even prior to the enactment of the Texas Ed-
ucation Code the Town Council of Sunnyvale had no authority to
enact a resolution purporting to assume the operation and control
of the schools of the Sunnyvale Independent School District to
the exclusion of the elected Board of Trustees.
Chapter 24 of the Texas Education Code Is entitled
"MunlclpalSchool Dlstrlcts' and Is comprised of Sections 24.01-
24.07. Section 24.01 repeals Article 2783c, Vernon's Civil
Statutes, on the same subject and provides as follows:
"The term 'municipalschool district' Includes
any Independentschool district existing under the
authority of Article VII, Section 3, or Article XI,
Section 10, of the Texas Constitution,which Is
municipally assumed or controlled;regardless of
whether the same'18 a city or town school district,
where the boundaries of the dlstrlct and the city
or town are cotermlnous,or whether It Is an ex-
tended Independent school district, where the city
or town has extended Its limits for school purposes
Section 24.02 repeals Article 2761a, Vernon's Civil
Statutes, on the same subject and provides as follows:
"Municipal school districts, regardless of
the manner In which they came Into existence and
regardless of whether or not the boundaries have
been extended for school purposes only, are
classlfled as Independent school districts.
Once a municipal school district has been es-
tablished, It shall continue to be an Independent
school dlstFlct even though the city or town
which assumed or accepted control of the school
district abolishes Its corporate existence as
a municipal corporation. Except as specifically
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 5 (M-599)
provided otherwise In this chapter, municipal
school districts shall be governed and shall
function in compliancewith the general law
relative to Independentschool dlstrtcts as
provided In Chapter 23 of this code,
Section 24.03 provides as follows:
“A municipal school district shall be
governed In the general admlnlstratlonof Its
schools by a board of seven trustees, selected
as provided In Section 24.04 of this code."
Section 24.04 repeals Article 2774, Vernon's Civil
Statutes, on the same subject. The provision of this Section
applicable to the Sunnyvale IndependentSchool District reads
as follows:
'The trustees of a municipal school dls-
trlct are elected as provided in Chapter 23 of
this code. . . ."
Section 24.05 which repeals Article 2772, Vernon's
Civil Statutes, on the same subject provides as follows:
"(a) The board of trustees of a municipal
school district shall have the general powers
and duties prescribed In this section.
"(b) The board shall have the exclusive
control and management of the schools of the
'(c) Title to all houses, land, and other
property owned, held, set apart, or In any way
dedicated to the use and benefit of the public
schools of the city or town, whether acquired
before or after the establishmentof the municipal
school district, shall be vested in the board of
trustees and their successorsIn office, In trust
for the use and benefit of the public schools In
the city or town.
"(d) The board shall constitute a body cor-
porate and shall have full power to protect the
title, possession,and use of all school property
within the llmlts of the municipal school dlstrfct,
. .
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 6(M-599)
and may bring and maintain suits in lar or In
equity In any court of competent jurlsdlctlon
when necessary to recover the title or possession
of any school property adversely held In the
"(e) Except where specific provision Is made
with regard to the conducting of the affairs of a
munlcfpal school district, the board of trustees
of a mwnlclpal school district may exercise any
power speclflcallygranted~or reasonably implied
to the board of trustees of an Independent school
In view of the plain and unambiguous language of
Sections 24.01-25.05 of the Code, the Town of Sunnyvale presently
has no authority to take any action by resolution, ordinance or
by-law to usurp the responsibilityof the Board of~Trwstee8for
the exclusive control an3 management of the schools of the dls-
trlct. Moreover In Thomas, et al. v. Abernathy County Line
I.S.D., etal., 290 S.W. 152 (Com.App. 1927) the Court stated
at page 133 the following:
"In our opinion the offices of school
trustee and alderman are Incompatible. . . .
'If the same person could be a school trustee
and a member of the city council or board of
aldermen at the same time, school policies In
many Important respects would be subject to
direction of the council or aldermen Instead
of that of the trustees."'
In accord, Attorney Qeneral Opinion No. O-1071 (1939). Con-
sequently,you are advised that the Sunnyvale Town Council Is
not authorized to act In the capaalty of a school board for the
Sunnyvale Independent School District.
Chapter 16 of the Education Code contains the pro-
visions of the Foundation School Program. Sectloti16.01 repeals
Article 2922-11, Vernon's Civil Statutes, on the same subject and
reads as follows:
"The purpose of the Foundation School
Program Is to guarantee to each child of school
age In Texas the avallabllltyof a MIniplumFoun-
dation School Program for nine full months of the
year and to establish the eliglbllltyrequirements
for the public school districts of Texas as In
connection therewith."
., -
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 7 (M-599)
Section 16.02 repeals Article 2922-12, Section 1
on the same subject and reads as follows:
"Appropriationsenacted by the leglsla-
ture for the promotion of the educational
opportunitiesafforded by this state under
this Foundation School Program shall be paid
In accordance with the requlreme~tsand In the
manner provided In this chapter.
In relation to the admlnlstratlonof the Foundation
School Program, Section 16.79 of the Code, which repeals Article
2922-20, Vernon's Civil Statutes, on the same subject, provides
In part, as follows:
"(a) It shall be the duty of the State
Board of Education, State Board for Vocational
Education, and the state commlsslonerof educa-
tion to take such action, require such reports,
and make such rules and renulatlons consistent
with the terms of this chapter as may be necessary
to carry out Its provlslons.
II 11
. . .
The provlslons_--
of Article
. 2922-20, Vernon's Civil
Statutes, were not materially cnanged In the Article's codlflca-
tlon of Section 16.79 of the Code.
154 Tex. 632, 282 S.W.W 691 (1955),
the following:
"The duties of the Commlsslonerof Educa-
tion to certify the funds to which a school
district Is entitled and of the State Comptroller
to Issue and transmit warrants therefor are purely
mlnlsterlal and mandatory. Article 2922-20, V.A.T.S.;
Article 2663, R.C.S.; Austin IndependentSchool
Dlst. V. Marrs. 121 Tex. 72, 41 S.W.2d 9. The
Injunction against these parties was properly
denied. To this all parties agree.
. . .I'
Consequently,under the authority In the holding of
McKlnney V. Blankenshlp, su ra, it Is our opinion that the State
Commissionerof Education+ oes not have the discretionunder
the facts submitted to withhold Foundation School Program funds
from the Sunnyvale Independent School District.
. . . -
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 8 (M-599)
The Town of Sunnyvale has,no authority to
take any action by resolution, ordlnence or by-~
law to usurp the reaponslbllltyof the Board
of’Trustees for the exclusive oontrsl and manage-
ment of the schools of the dietriot. Conseq9kuatly,
you are advised that the Sunnyvale Town Counc$~l
Is not authorized to act In the oapaclty of a
school board for the Sunnyvale IndependentSchool
Under the authority In the holding of McKlnne
v. Blankenshlp, suprs, It Is our opinion tha
State Commlsslonerof Education does not have the
discretionunder the facts submitted to withhold
Foundation School F+rogr@mfbnds Wcm the Sunnyvale
IndependentSchool District,
Atto ey B&era1 of Texas
Prepared by Ivan R. Wllllans, Jr.
Assistant Attorney Qetaeral
Kerns Taylor, Chairman
W. E. Allen, Acting Co-Chairman
W. 0. Shultz
Ray WcQregor
John Reeves
Wardlow Lane
Staff Legal Assistant
Executive Assistant
First Assistant