Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

May 26, 1949 Hpn. D. C. Greer ~ ~..~ Opinion No. V-830 State-Hightiy engineer T&xas..Higj$va~.. Department Re: ..Thenecessity for Fed- Austin, 'T&as~.,. _ ._ ., era1 Income Tax Liens ,-tobe recorded on Cer- tificates of Title to motor-vehiclesand the .~ ,+tatus in relation to other liens. Dear Mr. Greer: I&request .anopinion on.three questions based ]upon.thefol.lowingfacts: ..~ 7. "The.Int.ernalRevenue.Departmentfiles liens ,.L-. against an.individual~.,.for..non-.~~~n~ off'Income .~:..Taxea..~ The.indWidua...owns.onenor sever&i motor .. ~:~ :'vehlCies.on:amidh..Elear ,Certifi.cate of Title has been issued, or perhaps such Certifioateof Tit& will record a lien. ."TheseFederal'Liensfor Income Taxes are ,: filed'in t,heOffice,of the County Clerk in'a.bo,ok -. ..~ ..knownas the 'Federal Lien Record'." The.three questions referred to are: Should.thisDe rtment recognizeas a _ prio~"~~en.this.FsderalEen.for I~ncomeTaxes .eventhough aCertificate af Title,has been is- ~..~..sued.on which there.is.recordeda lien &ted _ ,& to-the recording df the'Federa1 Tax Lien? "2. Under Section3.,V.P.C., 1436-1, does ..the~.definit.ion of the term!Lien' apply to Fed- ~eral.IncomeTax Liens? . .: "If the answer to question 2 is in the af- ~_. .firmative~,~ must the .FederalTax 'Liensbe filed ~..with this Department? "3. What protection.~would a mortgagee have if henloans money on a-motor vehicle if a clear 418 Hon. D. C,.Greer.,Page 2 (V-8301 Certificate~.of Title~is presented to him and it later .develops.that a Federal Income Tax Lien $Eit$;n filed against the-owner of the ve- . For-convenienceof this.opinion we will answer your second questionfir~at., and thenthe first and third .inthat order. ~\ ~~Article..l43&1;. Section. 3.,V.P.C.; provides: _ ~,~~a.term'.'lien;'means.every kind of~lease .~conditionalsales contract,-deed..of trust, chattel -mortgage .trnst~receipt,.reservationof title, or otherwr-1, tten instrumentof whatsoeverkind or character whereby an interest,other than absolute .title,.is soughtto be.held..orgivenin a motor vehicie,.alsoany l.ien:created~orgiven by C n- ,s.titution. or'Statute.,"- .. : 7 A i.ien..has been .defined...by our Courts as a right .~to: &force.a.charge~upon.propertyofanother for the MY- _~ ..ment..,or...sat.isfaction.of.~claims... IX is.. also a charge upon .property. for.the.pay+?ntof a debt...There can be no lien ..~without a..deht; Vaugbad~v,~IJohnRancock'MutualL%f.fe'In- . i.1 - :,f,..:~:.. ._ :~’ _,~ .:.. ...~.~~~.Fedei.dl...right.~.tcJ: a"&%& 'unpaidincome . &&es, aris.es,.b~.c.;virtue..of Federal%&&te. 26 U.S.C.A., _ .. ._Section _36i78~?,1aternal~Revenue Code&provides: .I ,~ -1 .~ .,_ .-F.Xf .anypersonpliable'ta+ay any tax neg- lLe~tsnpr,:yefua~es.to pay..the> '&me after demand, ..the.amount(including~any interest, penalty, ad- .ditionalamount.,oraddition te“snch tax, to- gethheit_~th,~any~Eosts thatmay'~accruein,addi- _..t.ion:tihereto) shall.be a.lieri+.favor of the Dnited~States uponall nroperty and rights to propeey; whather,realor pers$nal, belonging to s&h~Sp&&o,n; W: .: .,_ ~,.~,, : ;. ., . - Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 3 (V-830) Itsisapparent this type lien fits squarely.with- in the.LabQve court ,definition.But the Section 3..defin- itiQn.obviollsly containsa.restcictedapDlication.~. ..It applieson1y.t.o. those~.liens. nsoughtto be'held or given in .a motorsvehicle!?. Consequently:,. the statutory defin- . ition does.notapplyto a.yederal.~.,income:,taxlienif .the. liqp, for.example',seeks enforc~ement.against.8 personrs.," real~property...,However.., inthe event such a lien is'sought ._,....:to ,be.enfQrc,ed. against.a motor.~vehicle.:regist.ered~~~in'~Texas, S.ection.3of ~~icla,l1+36.-1.,applies.~.~T~ that etient, your .second..questi.Qn is answered in the affirmative. ~:~:Having so answered, you ask #whethersuch Federal lienmust be.filed,,with yourDepartment. Indeed, Congress hasby Federal Statute required this corn&a&e. Section 3672, ~26.U.S.C.A.Internal Rev& enue,Code, provides: -- "(a,) Such lien.shall.notbe valid as a- ,.gainst any mortgagee.,. pledgee, purchaser,or ~..j.ndgment creditor,until.notice.thereof has been .. .~ filed..bythedollector A- . "(1) In the.office in.which~the filing of such notic~eis.authQrized.by.thelaw of the State -1 or.Territoryin which the property subject to the - lien issituated;.whenever the State or Territory has~by law.authorized.thefiling of such notice in an office.within.the'State.or.Territory;. '. ." -~The..filing with.the County Clerk of,.Federal tax .liens~.tobe enforced against.motorvehicles does not meet .. -Texasstatutory requirements..This is in keeping with. - the.established.meaningof Article.lA36.-1,~ known gener- ally.as the Certificate.of .Title Act,.effective October 1, 1939. The effect of.this~ Act was.to repeal and supersede 42cl Hon,.D. C... Greer.,Page 4 (V-830) Articles~..5490~, 5497 and~5497a,,.~V.C.S., insofar as those Articles~affected..the..regiatration.of chattel mortgage : liens onmotor vehicles.,Whereas ~formerly the validity of a.motor..vehicle lien.as.againstthird parties was de- \~.pendent .uponthe mortgage,being,~filed with the County, Clerk (Articles5490,,5497,5497a) the Certificate of Title Act.made.auch..va.liditydepen~ upon a proper record- ing of the lienon the:certXficate~-of. title. Article 1436-1, Sactioos.42,44 and 46.1 This office in a prior op~r&n,.G-l53~ ,datsd..&v..7.1939,so held. And in CommericalCre33 t ,COm ....v..LericanManufacturi ~;m~,ny,.sn~,..the C%&eached the same conclu%on, c t ng withapproval.0.-1539..~.To the.same effect, see -agl;2Motor_In~.. .Co,.:v,. Citp'..of' HamUn; 142 -Tex.&36;"179 278 (1944).. A Dnder-the-facts.presented here, it is our opin- ion that Federal liens ~asagainstmotor vehicles must beg ~-filad;:and recor&&with.yourDe artme& as authoriaed.by .-the .praaisionaaf.Article..Uc36-fl~in order to be valid as againat.thirdparties.. ~~.. . ,_,Conc.erningyour..firstque.stion we are of the ...opinionthat you.. should. not.recognim .priorLtyof a Fed- era1 taxlien properly.re.corded.undsr.$he Certificateof 1 "Set,.: 42;,~No l%enroneanr...motar...vehicle shall be valid .as against.third.part,i~.ss.witbout~actllal knowledge there- . _ of.ar enforceable.aga&st the motor vehicle of any such third..partiesas.th.eissuance of a certificateof title _ ._ ___ ,. _. ~. thereof, unless.anapplication.fora newtjtle is made .._ _ .. . . as prssc.ribe.d.-in -this-Actand ~~all..first and subseque'nt . .~. .._ liens noted-by.the Departmentthereon.". %ec. 44.. No.lien onany motor vehicle to which a re- _ ._ ceipt .ar..certificate.of-time. has.b.een.issuedshall be .~_ -Ipal~h.as.against.third..parties..wd&hout act& knowl- _,. adge.~h~reof,~..or.enforceable.against the motor vehicle .,of anysuch third+art$es, Mless.the notation of said ._ . .lIenshal&.have. beencaused to be.made on receipts and ..c.ert~ficatea...of.title on said motor vehicle, as pro- ..~&Led. in this Act." "Sqc. 46. On&y lie& noted on a receipt or certif$cate of title ahall~,b.e-valid as.against creditors of the ~~- .mortgagorFn ao farasconcerns the motor vehicle.? Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 5 (V-.830) :,,'., ?a2 Title Act2 prior to the,Federallien,. ~Whenthe Govern- ~withthe State's.statutoryrequire- loses priority over prior ~ In United States v,'Yatas, 204 S.W..Zd399 (Tex..CLv..App..,1947*..error~.re.f.~,n.r.,e.) the Court held:;. '"Raving~.conuluded. that&he attachment lien of.Ear1.and.W.0..Yates was.sp&ifie andi'fixed uponthe date of..ita.lav.y.,..which date.,wasprior to .the.date.theGovernmenttied its ,lien:forun- ..~ .paid.taxes..,...-.. the.Government% contention tbat~ ..'th.etax,lienshouldhane.priorityover the attach- . .ment lien~fixedaga.inst..the,parsonal property of L..,C.~Russellisdenisd and overru1ed.w :._ The Yates &ase,rcited..with.-approval Louisiana State.~JJniversity v~.'Hart,. 174 A.L.R. 1366 2lO..Ia;.:7S.,: 3.61. (1946)~whereina similar priority dispu