Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

4 AUSTIN. ‘TSXAS pIuoE DAN- FAGAN DIG-N ---- -- .~~ .~ February 10, 1949,". '_ ._ '~~ Eoti:C. Land .'~~~Opinion No. V-767 county Attorney ml1 county Re:. The effect of a tax judgment &mphis, Texas upon other prior delinquent taxes which were not included in the petition or judgment, where no.tax ~salehas'been ~made. Dear Mr. Land: We restate the question presented in,your let- 'ters of December 28, I.948and January 24, 1949; respec- tively: Does the,payment of-a,,judgme~nt by the defendant, prior to'issuance oforder of sale~or prior to sale when order of-sale has been issued; in a‘taxforeclosure; suit deprXve the taxing units, parties to'tbe suit, of the taxes for subsequent years, delinquent at the date .of the judgment, which are not:included in the petition or judgment? -The answer isin the negative. A taxpayer has the right under Art. 7339 Vi C. S. ~to pay delinquent taxes included In a judgmentrendered against him at any time before~a salei~-andthereby discharges his liability for the delinquent taxes involved in the suit. Such a pay- ment not only discharges his liability for-the taxes, but extinguishes the lienof the State and County and other taxing units, parties to the suit, for said taxes. This ~. is true regardless of whether a receipt is issued by.the tax collector showing the payment or not. This, however, does not in any manner absolve the taxpayer.from his lia- bility for the taxes due for other years not involved in t&3 suit. Sec. 10, Art. 7345b, V. C.S., does provide as follows: "The purchaser of property sold for taxes in such foreclosure suit shall take title free and clear of .a11 liens and claims for ad valorem taxes against such property_delinquent at the 46 Hon. C. Land, Page 2 ~(V-767) time of judgment in said suit to~any taxing unit which wasp a party to said suit, and~which has been served,with citation in said suit as re- quired by this Act." It is apparent, however, that this statutory provision doersnot purport to relieve the taxpayer of liability for any taxes'lawfully owing by him, but does have the effect of vesting title in the~purchaser at such tax foreclosure sale, free and clear of all liens for ad valorem taxes against suchproperty delinquent at the time of judgment in said suit, but has no effect where there has been no sale. By paying off a judgment before issuance of an order of sale or a sale pursuant to the order,'the taxpayer ~does~ nothing more than pay his taxes as though no suit had been filed against him. His liability for all other taxes current or delinquent. remains the same. The taxpayer has the :ri,ghtto pay delinquent ~taxes assessed against him and his property for any one year 'without'at the ssme time paying other taxes for other yearsif he chooses to do 8'0,and 3S entitled to have a receipt issued to him by the Tax Collector evi- ~~dencing.hispayment. This is the oonclusion expressed in opinion V-529, a copy,of which 1s~~herewith.enclosed. The payment of delinquent taxescovered by a judgment rendered ina tax foreclosure suitunder Artitile'7345bbut,paid,~priorto 'the isstian&e.of~an,order of sale.or sale.,does not operate'.torelieve the taxpayer of liability~ for any'other ~tties,lawfully,assessed~against 'his property, tihetherdelinquent or current. APPROVRI$ ATTORNEY G~ERA?.:.& T&X&S