Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

April 9, 1948 Hon. Sam Lee, Opinion No. V-537 County Attorney, Brazorla County, Fie:: A&.horlty of commission- Angleton, Texas ers' Court and County Road Engineer respectively,un- der the Optional County Road Law of 1947, V. C. S. Art. 6716-l Dear Sir: We refer to your letter of February 4, 1948, in which you ask the following questions concerning the Optional County Road Law of 1947: t*(1) What powers do the Commissioners' Court have under Section 3 of said act as the 'policy-determining body'.of the County Road Department? "(2) Is the County Engineer a public ~officerunder the provisions of the Optional Road Law? "(3) Are Commissioners precinct lines of the county abolished by the Optional Road Law with reference to budgeting, operations, appropriationsand the keeping of the records of expenses by the Auditor for the malnten- ante and constructionof county roads? In other words, does the Auditor, in keeping his records, break the same down to Commissioners' precincts and charge each precinct with the money spent in that precinct or does he keep the records showing the expenses for the coun- ty as a whole? "(4) Do such powers as the Comaission- ers.1Court might have as the 'policy-determln- lng body' Include the adminlstratlonof the details of the work of the road department . . Hon. Sam Lee - Page 2 (V-537) with the engineer as the employee of the court or Is the engineer an independentofficer of the county answerable to the court for the 8x- ecutlon of policy with reference to construc- tlon andmaintenance of roads with full power as to detail and execution of policy? "(5) Is the County Road Engineer em- powered to place or use county road department equipment, materials and labor in any part of the county which in his judgment is necessary in carrying out county road constructionand maintenanceand the policies of the court In an efficient and economicalmanner without having his decision for such use of equipment, materials and labor overriden by any member of the Commissioners'Court gr bv the Cornmu- sioners' Court itself? "(6) Under Section 9 of the act Is the right to hire and fire road department person- nel vested in the engineer and is the hiring and firing of individuals subject to the appro- val of the Commissioners1Court? "(7) Can an individual Commissionergive an order for work to be.done and performed to an employee of the county road department in the fieid and can the individualCommissioner or the Commissionerscancel the work order of the engineer in the execution of policy by the engineer. "(8) Does an Individualmember of the Commissioners'Court have the right to hire and fire employees without the approval and consent of the County Engineer? "(9) May the Commissioners'Court ln- struct the engineer as to where he must place his equipment, and keep the 'sameand use the same in the county? 11(10) Under Section 13 of the law, may funds allocated to a specific road or project by the budget adopted be transferred to anoth- er road or project or for another use, or is Hon. Sam Lee - Page 3 (v-537) such fund frozen to the particular project un- til the proposed work has been Completed on that specific project and then on application of the engineer the unencumberedbalance left over from that particular project be trans- ferred to another item on the road budset? "(11) Under Section 15, can the auditor legally pay any claim or bill for equipment, materials, supplies, and services purchased by the Commissioners'Court on competitivebid without the certificateof the engineer 'attach- 8d to said bill. "(12) May the auditor legally pay any claim or bill for equipment,materials, sup- plies and services purchased by the Commlssion- ers Court for the use of the county road depart- ment which Is not bought on competitive bid and which does not have the certificate provided In Section 15 by the County Engineer attached to the same." Section 2% of Article XVI of the State Constitu- tion reads: "The Legislature .&all make provision for laying out and working public roads, for bulld- ing of bridges; and for utilizing fines, forfei- tures, and convict labor to all these purposes.* Section 18 of Article V of the State Constitution creates the Commissioners'Court and the pertinent part of that Section reads: "The county commissionersso chosen, with the county judge, as presiding officer, shall compose the County Commissioners’ Court, which shall exercise such powers and jurisdictionover all county business as Is conferred by thls Con- stitution and the laws of this State, or as may be hereafter prescribed." In the case of Galveston H. & S. A. lly.Co. V. Uvalde County, 167 S. W. 2d., 305 (writ of error refused), the Court said: Hon. Sam Lee - Page 4 (V-537) "The Commissioners'Court of a county has onl.ysuch powers as are expressly or by necessary implicationgiven it by the Consti- tution and statutes of this State." The same rule applies to count road engineers 7. under the Optional County Road Law of 1si: Powers of Commissioners'Courts are provided by the LegislatureIn Article 2351, V. C. S., the pertinent part of which read.88 "Each Commissioners'Courtshall: . . . 3. Lay out and establish, change and dlscon- tinue public roads and highways. 4. Build bridges and keep them In repair. 5. Appoint road overseers and apportion hands. 6. Exercise general control over all roads, ::I;, ferries and bridges in their ln Your questions relate to the enlargementand the modificationof certain of the powers of Commissioners' Courts In the constructionand maintenance of county roads and the powers and duties in that regard, and the status of a county engineer appointed by the Commissioners’Court In countieswhich adopt the Optional County Road Law of 1947 (S. B. 226, Acts 1947 p* 288, V. C. S. Article 6716-l),the pertinent parts of which reads “SEC” 3. The constructionand maintenance of county roads is vested In the .countvroad de- partment which shall include the Commissioners1 Court as the policv determining bodv. the oounty road engineer as the chief executive officer, other administrativenersonnel. and road emulov- w.* (Emphasisadded throughout) “SEC. 9. The county road engineer shall be responsible to the Commissioners1Court for the efficient and economical constructionand maintenanceof the county roads, m&all have Jhe Dower to awwoint for an indefinite t8 to remove all may auth&%e certain administrative gerso&el to emulov and remove subordinatesor gmplovees under their respect_ivedirection. . . Hon. Sam Lee - Page 5 (V-537) "SEC. 10. !?XC8Wtfor the WU w se of lnauirl the Commissioners'Court shall de:lOwith the N- tv road deWartment's administrativewer orinela BmWloves throunh the countv road engine&. "SEC. 11. The county road engineer shall attend all meetings of the Commissioners'Court when It sits to consider county road matters with the right to participate in the discussions and to make recommendatlong . He shall see that the w of the Commissioners Court relating to county roads are faithfully executed, suvervlse the admlnlstrationof the county road department, and prepare detailed annual budget estimates for the constructionand maintenance of the county roads and the operation of the county road depart- ment. The county road engineer shall prepare es- timates and specificationsfor all equipment, ma- terials, supplies, and labor necessary for the constructionand maintenance of the county roads and the operation of the county road department, serve as custodian for all equipment, materials, and supplies belonging to the county road depart- ment, prepare plans and specificationsfor all county road constructionand maintenance, main- tain cost accounting reoords on county road de- partment expenditures,keep a perpetual inventory of all county road department equipment, material and supplies, and perform such other duties as the Commissioners'Court may require which are consistent with this Act. "SEC. 13. All expenditures for the construc- tion and maintenance of the county roads and the operation of the county road department shall be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund strictly In accordance with annual budgeted appropriations, axcewt that UD n aonllcation of the countv rod the Commissioners' Court may transfer any part of any unencumbered appropriation balance for some item within the Road and Bridge Fund budget to some other Item. "SEC. 14. On projects of county road con- struction and maintenance let to private contrac- enaer shall be the rebra- lneinspeatlngthe progress Hon. Sam Lee - Page 6 (V-537) of the work. Before any claims by reason of county road constructionor maintenance done by private contractors shall be ordered paid by the Commissioners'Court, the county road enEineer shall certifv in writing to the gor ctn ss of the claiu and shall certify thaEetheeworkdone conforms to the clans and specificationscalled for in the reipective contracts. "SE. 15. All equipment, materials, sup- plies; and services other than those of admlg- istrativepersonnel and employes for the coon- structlonand maintenance of county roads and for the county road department shall be nur- chased by the Commissioners'Court on competl- tive bids In conformitywith estimates and sDecificationsnresed bv the countv road en- -. Before any claims covering the pur- chase of such equipment,materials, supplies, and services shall be ordered paid by the Com- missioners'Court the county road engineer shall certify In writing to the correctness of the claims and shall certify that the respec- tive equipment,materials, supplies, and sa- yices covered by the cl s conforms to SDeC&- ficatigns aDDroved bv # and that the same respective equipment,mat&lals, and supplies were delivered in good condition, or the ser- vices satisfactorilyperformed." &x3;; th;ep;$i:ions of Section 39 the construe- tlon and ma nan untv roads is vested In the coun- ty road department9which includes the Commissioners'Court, as the **policydeterminingbody." "Pollcyt'is defined by Webster as "A definite course or method adopted and followed by a government,in- stitution,body, or individual." "Determine"as there used means 1tdecide.8m This department cannot write a definitionwhich will cover each factual question which may arise. General- ly speakinK,we are of the opinion that the Commissioners Court of Brazoria County, after adoption of the Optional County Road Law of 1947, has authority to decide and outline Hon. Sam Lee - Page 7 (v-S37) the general principles and the general over-all system governing the co truction and maintenance of county roads in that co%y. The Commissioners'Court has all of the powers and duties given by Article 2351, V. C. S., which are not delegated to the County Road Engineer in the Optional County Road Law of 1947. Your first ques- tion is answered accordingly. The title of the Optional County Road Law reads, in parts "An Act . D D creating the office of coun- ty road engineer; providing for the appolntment of a county road engineer and prescribing the qualifications,powers, duties, tenure, salary, oath, and bond of the county road engineer." The Act then prescribes the qualifications, powers, duties, tenure and salary and requires that such engineer shall enter into bond and take the official oath of office. A person who Is required to enter into bond, take an oath of office, and exercise functions of govern- ment in the performance of a public duty, as is required of a county road engineer, is an officer. 34 Tex. Jur. 322-373, Sec. 2. The term of office Is not fixed in the law. It provides that (Section 7): "The County road engineer shall hold his position for an &&finite term and may be r oved bv a malorltv vote of the CommissionersCourts The %ure of the law to provide a fixed term does not militate against our decision that such engineer is an officer. In this regard, your attention Is directed to Section 30 of Article XVI of the Constitutionwhich reads In part: "The duration of all offices not fixed by this Constitution shall never exceed two years." We are of the opinion that the County Road En- gineer appointed under Optional County Road Law of 1947 is a public officer. Your second question is answered in the affirmative. Sections 4 and 13 of the law are pertinent to your question No. 3. They read: . . . Hon. Sam Lee - Page 8 (v-537) “SEC. 4. The constructionand main- tenance of county roads, the ownership and use of all county road department equipment, materials, and supplies,and the admlnistra- tion of the county road department shall be on the basis of the county as a whole with- out regard to commissloners~precincts. “SEC. 13. A11 expendituresfor’the con- structionand maintenanceof the county roads and the operation of the county road depart- ment shall be paid out of the Road and Bridge Fund gtrictlv In accordance with annual bu$- tions euent aat ubon e- pation of the county road enelneer the Com- mlssioners~’Court may transfer any part of any unencumberedappropriationbalance for some item within the Road and Bridge Fund budget to some other item.” We are of the opinion that precinct lines are abolishedwith reference to budgeting, operations,and ap- propriatlonsin the constructionand maintenance of county roads in counties adopting the Optional County Road Law, so that such shall be on a county basis as a whole without regard to commissioners’precinct lines. In other words, the County Auditor, In keeping his records, does not dl- vlde the road and bridge fund among the four commission- ers’ precincts and show the amount of money expended in each precinct. On the contrary he’keeps said records for _ the county as a whole. Sections 3? 9, and 10, supra, are pertinent to your related question No. 4 for the purpose of this opln- Ion. The County Road Engineer is answerable to the Com- missioners’Court for the execution of the policies pre- scribed by the Commissioners’Court In the construction and maintenance of county roads. Your fourth question is answered accordingly. It is provided in Section 11 that the County ’ Road Enelneer “shall serve as custodian of all equipment, materials and supplies belong.lngto the county road de- partmentmI1 It Is clear that such custody shall be for uses In the constructionand maintenanceof county roads In ac- cord with the policy (system) established by the Commission- ers’ Courte The decision of the County Road Engineer as to the custody of the equipmentwill not be questioned so long Hon. Sam Lee - Page 9 (V-537) as it iS In accord with the general policy of the Coun- ty as prescribed by the Court. That body has the power, as the policy making body, tm lay down general rules for the preservationand protection of the County's equip- ment. Your fifth question is answered accordingly6 Section 9 of the law provides that the County Road Engineer "shall have the power to appelnt for an In- definite term and to remove a&l eoumty road department personnel, subject to the approval of the Commissioners' Court. He may authorize certain administrativeperson- nel to emfioy and remwe subordinates or employes under their respective direction." Under this section th,eappointment and removal of "all road department personnel" Is subject to the ap- proval of the Court. The County Engineer may appoint or remove such personnel, subject to such approval. Section 10 of the low readsg "Except for the purposes of inquiry, the Commissioners'Court shall deal with thencoun- ty road department'sadministrativepersonnel and empleyes through the county Read Engineer." We are of the opinion that neither the Commls- sioners' Court aor any of Its members are authorized to hire or fire any county road personnel or employe, or to give orders for the performance or non-performanceof ad- ministrative details of such work. Neither can the Com- . missioners' Court or any member thereof cancel the work order of the engineer which was made pursuant to the pol- icies of the Commissioners'Court. Your seventh and eighth questfons are answered in the negative. Your ninth question is answered in our answer to your fifth question0 We are of the opinion that the funds allocated In the annual budget to a specific project may not be transferred to another road project until completion of such project to which it was allocated, At that time the unencumbered balance of such fund may be transferred, up- on application of the County Road Engineer, to some other Item within the Road and Bridge Fund budget. Your tenth question Is answered accordingly. _.. . Hon. Sam Lee - Page 10 (V-537) Your questions 11 and 12 are grouped because they are answered in Section 15 of the law which reads: “All eaulument, materials. suuolies gnd services other than those of admlnis- ative uersonnel and emuloves for thq sonstruction and maintenancq of county roads and for the county road department shall be purchased by the Commissioners1 Court on competitivebids ;Lnconformitv with estimates and suecificationsure- pared bv the countv road engineer. Be-, fore anv claims covering the uurchase of such materials, suunlies. and services shall be ordered paid by the Commisslon- ers’ Court the county road engineer shall certify In writing to the correctnessof the claims and shall certify that the re- spective equipment,materials, supplies, and services covered by the claims a- QT.&J to the sueciflcatlonsauuroved bg m and that the same respective equlp- meni , materials, and supplies were de- livered in good condition, or the ser- vices satisfactorilyperformed.” A law expressed in plain, unequivocal language is not subject to construction. Your eleventh and twelfth questIons are answered in the negative. SUMMARY Under,the Optional County,Road Law of 1947, Art. 6716-l V. C. S., the Commission- ers’ Court has authority as the “policy- determiningbody” to decide and outline the general principles and the “over-al18’sys- tem governing the constructionand mainten- ance of county roads. The County Road En- gineer Is a public officer under this Act and he has power to employ and discharge road department personnel, subject to the approval of the Commissioners’Court, The law provides that neither the Com- missioners’ Court nor any member thereof . . Hon. Sam Lee - Page 11 (V-537) may give orders for work to be performed by employes; nor can said court or any member thereof cancel any work order of the County Engineer that was issued pur- suant to the general policies of the Com- mlssloners~Couti. The CouW,y Road Rngi- neer is the exclusive custodian of all equipment,materials, and supplies of the county road department. The Commission- ers' precinct lines have been abolished _ under this law with reference to budget- ing, operations and appropriationsin the constructionand maintenance of county roads, and the county auditor shall keep his records for the whole county rather than for four commissioners’precincts. The auditor cannot pay any claim or bill for equipment, supplies, materials or services unless the same is purchased on competitivebids, and said bill or claim must have attached thereto the certifl- cate of the engineer. Art. 6716-1, V.C.S. Yours very truly, ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS W. T. Williams WTWrwb Assistant ATTORNhY GENERAL