Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honoreble 0. Earl Autohlngr County Auditor Young oounty Graham, Texar Dear sir: Opinion No. O-6694 Thlr will roknowle reosnt date requeatlng the o the meaning of the @are pearing In Seotlon 1 or B 46th Le@lsla ture ; raid #e lowr: ks and brands t day or Cutober, at the Leglelsture in exceptln~ t of the above quoted 880 tion , V. A. C. S. Said Article have a brand for horses en: 439 Honorable 0. 3:arl Eutohlnca - page 2 Se trust the forego&y anlwOr8 BDI:: zd snol.