Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

; OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN d L”*LD c. MANN rT*“rsr c**l”AL: fo* Oi’ClYiiirn De- oo~ftfcr withfn ineluding aquiparnt &on of 6he olr~llan 88 of enemy aotion. -ALI thQ loaning e? 6UOh tat68 Of &AQriCA %O th@ eai tfw ,FedOTAl CrgRAatiou t6 Propwty oiri00r b olppollmd thtat Loos1 Property Oftloenbe a ohhf QxQoutiYo ofzioot or tlm m- tier dsrigaated to rsoeiw ruoh~lo.oansd mmerty . , &narabio Core R. Gteveason, psi@ & these County Judge4 80 Ag?olnted hAv4 sppolnted biAi Propertp olfiOer0, X& SOat Of SaOh QA44a the PederAl proparty h:rs be4n reoeired bf the84 LICAL Property Oftloars A& is non at the ~LWQSA]. of the pBA*at 1-a oo!3au&litia B sub Js0.t to t be term Of tfM lOAt& A@e4Wat. lTh Trderal &OV4rA54At no11 MQWIt~ A rtll- irk& relAtiAg to th0 legial authority Of a Couty Jag4 ia T4x~8 to appoint a Looal Property Orfieesr. llth the for4going prediosto oatAbllehe4, it ulll be appreolated l? yoDp dll aasuor tk follalng qa4aB ion: "Sa it four oplnloathat Boati Bill Ho. 642, paseed by tlm 48th k6lslatura at the Regular Sesa1on, oonfrrs upon a County fudge in T4x48 the a u th o r ity to c q o la t l Local Prop4rt7 Oiiioer?* Ibus 648, dupra, la a OW&?S4hsnA1V4AOt Bill 810. authmlaiag ths to aotablluh by poolamation Oovsr~or an or- ganioation for tha Wordinatioa of def~n8a aoti?itiee La Texan, lnnsludlnga Stat. Deferrer, Wanoil, or a rbllar body, by rhateter naae b mat deter&m to aall It, and lo.oll par- 6onnel a8 say be nao~aoary ta carry oat tho,prorioioar of the AOt and to provide AdequatrlJ for tbr proteotloa of liir and property lnthle State during the n4r aergenay, eta. &OtiOAS b And 0 Of the i0T4&Oin& A4t read 44 folL0~: T~KJ@oV4rnor "Seotiao 6. say Appoint th4 oow&;l judge Of reroh TOILASoountg a8 County De- r6~e Ceordimtor for that part or the county AOt within th4 limits of iooorporut4d Qiti44, elld a~uryappoint th4 XAYOPOf Qaoh lnoorporatsd Olty aa Munialpal Dsienw Coordinator; provldsd, bow- mar, that ii 4lth4r tb4 oounty jud &M aot &mire to aot, he SAY aubi T t “tir % gz:r- Mf the MAt6 Of a OitiS~A Oi hi8 PlitiOAi SUbdiOi- sion to be 4~pOkt48 to AOt iA hi0 place, whioh Q6riMn OhAll be ve8t46 With t&3 r4ApOwibilit~ aad authorit Mt out l.n this Aot. Suoh local de- ~~CUJSooordimtor shtrll carry out and adololrter, In their reepQotlv4 jurirdiotlanr, plane for the ils:snae 31 tko State aad ior t!m pmteetloa of life and yrapcrty, aa ret out in this Act, eT as may be promuldfrted by the Govcmor unbar tbe authority of ttLts Jot, or undar such other authority aa he saJ hare in lsw. The County Defense Coordinator rad the YlMiOipal U4iras4 Coordinatora inay foRa iuoh oowty- rid4 defcnso org4nlzations as osnairteat with the authority Danted by County aad %unIcigal O-~vtrsmeaBOt6, pzoyldrd that AO a0tiOA 1lhsl1 ba takeA In thir Oonmo- titin that muld deprive regulsr coa8tltuted local ot- flrlale 0r authority or rauponribilfty noramlly pee- looal dstsnae orgaolmatloae aad for otlmr-war-W&srge.noy pur~oaea#hall br dessQd A lawful ar~aditure of @I- 110 EiOAOf8 Of OitiM &nd OOMti48 Of tbiII state; prO- tided, that, u regarda 0ounti48, the approgrlftion ior Puloteoanoe and upkeap 8hsi.l not rxcead OIL, (18) or cent of tha aountl tAX48 colleatad by said oounty for the preViOW fear, AIld, $8 re@mlS aitfsa and towar, appropriation for oai;ltenaaae aad upic44p shall not 4x- cead ON ilki per oent of thr city taxes colleoted by 44id olty or toea for the preriow yasr." (Eaphadir ours) "S4QtiOA ?. ?oliticsl aubdltlslon~ of this State are also authorized to acoast from anJ pub110 or gri- rats noufoe, g-mats of funds, or grleats and loans of equipl34nt ) mlpyliee, mdterialn, acd other proparty; to hold, ~44, 104n, expend, cxo!xdnge, deal =Ith, eao- ploy, dirtributr or dispose Of such fundr, 4 ulp%ot, ra4terlale ezd other propart I to newtlate *Ie th 4aY other munloipal~ty Or polit Iati SUbdiVbiOA fat th4 oosfaoa protoctlon or desenaa of eaoh otbar; to appoint Looal Promrty Otiieers, if requirad, to 44rv4 us oua- todians of euuh pro;erty, and to pay preduns on ellah bunde of Local Fropartg O~iic~srs as wy ‘be required.” (tighrsl.8 Ours) .. auri.ilsry psrsonns1 as day be nacassary ior CL% 9urW3e 0s aarying out 8 uirsrm and coordinated &ite Dsiennse Frogrm O$ set out in the .iat or proml&rted by the Uov-crnor undar tha authority of the :bot. Uencra1ly speaitl~~g, judges are Judicial Cfflcere, but thy are frequently autborirud to petiiorm rote of aa axecu- tlvr or ainlstarid 6haraotOt; aad the Court may, ii It Will., OX8TOiti 411 OItr?&-jU$iOh~ QOWW OOILf~TTd UpOn it by t h4 b&4- &SW.. IA other rorba, in 46ditioA to ~obioi8l duties, a JuQa may be autboriaad to peri4ra aanjr sot8 OS 4n exroatlvo or l4.lnistatt41oharaatsr. Ho may appoint oubordlnate oiiloera rhea 80 authoriaed, offlelete at starrlager, adalniatcr oath, and aitlrsatioas add take ao’~owlsd~enta, afiidarlts and devorf- tions. Jadges sre also ox-of?iolo praoe oitioors; and they ~raf at all tiraeilOarry firsaraS, rhatbe#rthsy are en8i1md iA tha disoh4r~o of ofiiiicrl dutlei or not. (Ciark1. ?inley 54 3. if. 345; S*otionA..lL and 15. &tiole 5 of ttm coAatit ut I on* Tex. Jar.. Vo‘l. W, p. EM; Tex. Jur.. Vol. 34, p. 340) IA t 0 osse or Chrk v. finlay, supra, it we8 ststed by tis Su9rem CouTt tbstr ** l IJ the oounty judge la no t a jad~olal oir i-cer Wma holding s~sslons or hle Court, only. hi8 porr*rs are, 68 a rule merely ~udloial; but, io addition to bia dutie# as tba judge, there 4.m vsri- oua rxsoutite end nlalstarial lunctlons conferred uwoll hiol by the Cooetltutlon and 1~~s.” In vlsw of tta forqolng authorities, it is our opinion that Kouoe Bill Llo. 642, twpra, outhorizss aountg jud@aa who 4r4 ap-lntad County Deiams Coordimtsrs under said not, to appoiot Lccal Property Wffuers. Yours very truly