8am8'appaarlng‘b8roro 8aM arrleqw author1s8dto
take 8uoh Wmowledgmnt, 8nd stating that hehad
.emmat8d th8 8ue8 for th8 aon8ld8ra~lonand purptiser
therein 8trtedt 8nd the offlo8t talkingrush aokziowl-
edgment ah&U maka a 0uWXlaate th8roof, rign and
-realthe atm vith him real OS offlaei'
Qrt.66c6; horrlMrtakfRgth8 mkaovledg~
ment of a deed, OF other instrument of writing;-mmt
plaoe th8reon his offlolal oertitlaate,signed by
him end given uudar his wrl of offloe; 8ub8tantlaU7
in form as hereirdtsr pre8ar'ibed."
Artlole SOa, ti am8ndedi 8~8, authoric88 a alerk
ai tho.dl8triotaouct, a judge or 8lerk of the ciouat7oourt,
and aotarler publla to tak8 aokaowld&mantrc Ju8tloer of ths
pesos two ex offlofo not8rler publio, however, for the pur-
po8.8 .ofthlr oplgfon it 18 not n8oe88ar7 to 0cm81d8c a joage
0s the oountfaoart,notml*r publlaj aud ju8tlo88 of th8 peaat,
@ii0are 8x off1010notu%er publlor The only ootmty o~iiofale
lthoare legelly aathozk8d to take aaknowledglllent8and whose
cieputier nuy 1sgsUy take acknowledgBIRnt8ire aleek of th8
dS.8triotuorirtand okrk8 of the huaty aourti
We quota from Texas JtWepmdenoei Volume1, plleo
433, i8, follow8t ..
.%hd+ itib atWit the pwsr to take w+
know~$8~ ns ortea
3rw8'7 ooarsrred ttp&
the &pat188 0f'0rsl~?8 0 *ore quallfi8ddi
rtwh power has at parlous tlmss been oanforred upon
d8 utp dirtriot oZark8 rod d&put7 ooouty olerksi
Buv lroa In the rbrenae ot 8~~~88 rtrtutaq au-, ~,
thor*tion it 80ems thst If M orf&oer ha 8Uthcir~
iti to'taks 8oIulovle~t8 hi* regQlu17 a ol.nl+
eiddspatlea aa@.lnT~rt~d'ylth~Uk@ polmr$ 38
that sa ~aahaowledgmMttaken bsrore i de raoto
dsputr 08.a~ wthorlsqd drfloer is :mUdi Iero ~8.~
u7 oall MAent1an.t~ ths~ruls~-notfood later -
that when an aoknowledgma~ is taken before a dep-
ut it 18 proper rm ha to u88 law ain naamrod
0ftlOI title, uld that,ur l wJvl8dgm8llt I8 not
vItlat8d bf the fu3t that the offloe* taking It
slgued as a lrpmlal@ deputy.*
HopOrable J. D.Iawy, MS3
482, !Equote further
from Zeus J~rl8prwhnc8, Volume 1,
‘Th8 St&tUtCl r.qUilWS that the~certlflcatebe
rigned by the officer before whoa f&m aCknCwl8dg-
mnt, Wag tSkM, and colppllanCs with this r8qoire-
mnt 18 o88ential to th8 raWlfty of the certiricate.
In ccnformltywith the rule generally preoalllngin
0th.F StatSS, th. TOuS d.CiSioPI hold tllatth8 io-
sertlon of the name of the offloor in tha bodr of
the cortffiaate-- in aecordaucewith a ocmmon
prastioe to prepare the aertlflcatein tadvanceSO
th&t the OffiCOl' hu olil7t0 Oia bi8 ILuDb--18
not Such a S%@&AlI'O a8 Will OUpply th@ OPrio8iCNl
to sign at tb8 aonClu8lCn.
When au a&nCwledgment is tak8n boforo a dop-
uty of a duly qurliflsd officer, the d8Quty may
Si&$S hi8 OM Euw tiaar, -0ithO’At ti80 wOrtin(l th.
na316 Of hi8 ~fttCi~1, Md M MtkUCtllOdgunt th&t
is in Other rOSpeCt.8 PbRUhW 18 IlOtvltlated bs
the faot that the off16 signs as 'special*d&p-
uty, for the word 'racial' mCrybo rejected 88 SIW-
~?Adeputy awnty elsrk has the power to take
88ltnorrl8&8SMt8 urb tS&iStSt deeds. & 88tS b7
VfFtUS Of hi8 OvllOff;08 unbar th8 law, and -7 tsks
and certify Foot 08 lsknowlodgmentof 8 dmd wltb-
out autnp h&i princlpalr'
fn ViSW Of th8 fOFOgOing UlthCPfti.8, fOU WS FSS-
adT$SCd t&t i&&&S the.oplnlan Cf this dS&TMtBdt
that d.plrty SOS&7 S%Wk8 urri ii&pUty d.lStriOt Old b8VS th8
power aad legal ruthoritg to talu MkMWwtS w tirtlu of
tiholrown officer under the law.withoutmmlng thrir pinolp@laI