Honerrblo Ulllirn Jr krren
Sroretar7 ot stat.
butin, Toxaa
mo t.6 Ho a r .Blll
ta t0Derlorrtio~nro
trrttao ot tb, prwl-
ourltier Dlvrirlraet
roooatly been prbrentod ts thir
lolrlo~ l quartionlt whothor
8ota, rhlrh will bo honinattor
tltutm a rlotrtlenot tho ~14 Rod
0 Lloonso Aot.
l lleetuedroe1 ortrto
%r . A. Er Eeda o r ,
dealor at buatln Tear, hrr ulleU oertaln lat-
tora to trrlour indlvldurla in Apetin To=-,
rhloh lottar rerar aa tollewr:
xoaemllo wllJlu~.Lowoem, Pogo 8
“mrrrrra tie14 ortioe LwoloMloa
Wl OoorgetownEl. so5 1. 6th St.
A. B. Bedbow, Sales Aant
WUK 01 JulIt17, 1945'
X0. Sl.
r*Tou are aordlallyInrltedtielooept one of Orp
vletor~ EoieaGarden Treotr (Siu wmW,f8.) in
our new lddltionat o total ooot to you of Sixty-
line ($69.00)Dollox¶,oorerlngourle~in& oon-
#itiOtiOll iOr lot, Y-nRtr fhBd, @adfi4 Ul&
other lmprow3w3nto ~01 belag laotallsdby tha
&rural in event of prior ml*.
**Pfea#e brb.g thio lottrr to our otiioe, Mfl
Oeorgetem Rord, en er titer* ii- (6) day0 irol
date. F o r fo tWOOnTOBiOBM r ,Win b e0p .B
day bothSotrudayand sundaf. Oiiiw hourslO:m
A.X. to 8~00 P.M.
A. B. Boddow
A. 8. Beddow
Baler Agent
xoseroblowllliarJ. Lauoon,Pop s
‘@*P. 8. Property rertrlotti, md for tlm mite
Oaaorolu Rue 08ly.*
“T&laDoprtmot wo a ld lp p r o o lo to
kavw tko
bOn.tltat your odrloo 08 to whothorI not the
rlllw af ouoh letter8 8onotitato a vlolatlonor
mb-3ootloa 8 of tho grounds set forth ti eeotfo~
llto rth elu o p no lea
and ~1OO~tlOn ot the lloenoo
et a lioonooo0r tbu rorlolonoor rdd ~111,this
rootia8 readin 08 r0 f lo~ot
l'&llalka. #old, or oitrradfor l010
no1 property by orrulng woo lots-.
er eondo&- lmttuloo tar tbo ptupooa
otW1senolngo purohanror~rpoo-
tln’pBrohoou ot real proQwty.t
7our odtleo with rofuoau to this sattor
will k lln00rol.y
sootlon ll, Artie1055T3r,f.A.5.S.(RealRotato
DooloroLloeuo Art) road@ i8 part u tollowot
7Jko Add.nlOt.rOtOr of tb SeourltlooDlvl-
al- of tin offloo of tho Soontuy ot’ State uy
lposrhia m notionand rhalla?os'the veritlod
o~lolnt 5nwrltZng ot on puson, intort~oto
tit0rotion of any r8ol ex ate *a wmoa 0, real
oototo &elor or say prron 00a lllo o uu to
808 in rithar mob oapaolty 3 k this Stete,
w thin
a ind
ma y
ltup 4 md
o r nr o k oor retus to rwnow UY
li00nooat my tlm w&en the real eotate laleo-
ma or real eatat deolor in Rertorm.in.8OS at-
tw to perform 8ny sot lo a real l8tate
‘“p or u roe1 lo tr k *aloeman,or ia any trano-
lo tia in+olringthe leariryor oalr ot on in-
tom0t 20 ~01 l0t0t0, i0 g4.m 0rt
9.. . . "
paramph 8 of raid rootion reed8 88 18 quOtOd l8
yoo Wkr rbova.
xoaor8blowil+1a f. XAwoom,Peg@ CL
l4 pu8oi, ar ldent, dtleor or mpby0o
ltu y o o mp tty,o lnol8oLto
o tlBdoal-
go s
or no1 eotato 081~~88 wlthlatb manlag d
thlo Ad, mltholrttlrot hmvlng boon llooluoll
th. Abini8tr6tm et the SoetultlooDlvlolu et
pablloheo,or 4lotribstor '
the 08m0, or shall oawo th8 081) to bo lmmmd,
olreuhkd, published,or diotrlbrato&
or whe
laanyotkorroopoet, wllful~ +iolatooor hilo
to 0-4 with any prerlolonset thir Aot, air
who in other roopoot wiltallyrlol.8too
r0ilr. to obey, ob6orve or
sonplywith my or r, penit, ~ooioleadoam&
u npplromnt of the Admlnirtrator ot {ho 8o-
lotitl*o Dlrlolon at t&a 0rti00 ef t&o sem- .
tary ot strto nndu thl8 Aet as huoln prorldod,
IIeonriot bo l*atonoedtm
Vhlo Aat ohall mot 8pply to tb 8818 af
any prqorty W&M rash solo Is udo b the
owaor, or one of the owners, or tho lt term y
tor odd ownu or ounero.* 1
It will ba ~mtlre4 that porap2rph8 of 808tlOn 11; "
Art101055T&, oapro,prohibitsthe se lo tin&, oollin~.or
offorln~tot sale -81 propmrtyby oft@rl.nutroo lot8 ex oos-
dwtily lettories far the parporroi lmSloowing a puohauer
or pros otln ptuoboor of realpro arty. Thuo IO nothing
in th8 c tter oi t&a no1 lotote dorP or qaotod above the8
EonorobloWilli f. Uw808, P.&O B
in4loatoo or #hors that 8 lotkry 18 boirq ooa&uot04and
thor8 lo )bolffOr~ Ot trO0 1080. II.hot0 OUrdUlly eon-
lfdo r rthe
d above qWka letter ot the -81 lOtotO do.lOr
in oonneotion with the Roe1 Eotrto DoalrroAot an4 ttnd
nOthin6 in raid lOtt*S! that ia 8 tiOl8tiOll oi the SW,
Thorotoro,wo roopoottullymover the rboro ltUt.d quos-
tloa in the tte(otln.
fours rrry truly
By e@-
Are011 Willi&