Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

681 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN umN-=- -- Honorable to& 8. 8hook Criminal Dlstriat Attorney San Antonlo, Fexsr D8ar l5frr opinion Eo. Res CrlmLnnl have 8n oplnlon from eh pmvldes for attolvmy, in or- r68 ve aaT m!bk* d, suoh as tileage and room ir neoescmry tar a member of rent th6 State In 6 6880 trbd . In one oaae, an assistant bad to on Friday in ord6r to locate a mm, al OR a moxub~ ord6r receipt, in t subpoqns him for the trial on the "I should like to knov what lllorarmer should be mde for exp6nscr in ocmrmetlon vith the pwronunoe of the dutler of thb oftio8, end wbath6ror not it f8 VithtII the df8tl'fCt QttOFMy'8 bf8CFCtiOn a8 t0 vhether rush expense8 shoulQ bo iaourr4dr "Sinoe ther6 are no authoritler on the point, I would apprcelate it if you vould give rfm ycnp in- terpretation snd oonstruotion of the statute. 682 I! %onoauble JohaR*IbhOOk,Wgb1 such 0r tho oountiyuditor~ aad 1 itbta 0r wbh bxpbawvaaaotimurrbd~~offl- obr,oreu4aitemva8AotrabQBuufbxpbnmf3f %bb tV0 &NNb qUOtOd St&tUtoly mric#rr u*) -x%0&- bib to OOUIhtib8 ha* (r jBOpUhtiOX& in b%bbU Of lf%,~ bbabl- t8atr roan to th8 lut p3%lwdag moral cbawr, aad ar8 thbrsforb &&#deablb to B.@@r &maty. The two abow quoted rtatutcwg provlrioati war0 wa- rtruad la tha ~aao af Clusthvai Attornb~ for bxpbaso ia aldeaf thb adminbfptbm of th8 Uutloaof his otflw va8 a flaal JtQpnaat awl thrt it vaa ot the 6wnty auditor to approvb th8 alelm for v&8 nVm’8Od by t;& 8qpPa8IOCoWt,(fl;g;- pram Court &ld tbt the dirtriet lttorrmyosraota qpaaoaotflc4d tithintb8rtatutarmlclng it the duty of peea offhem to 8e3.wpPaling bquiprsnt, &ad that the 03Bmth81O@WZW’ aourt had no 6uumri be b ~nwbsnru=y expeaw" of the oftlae of tha ney dnayuge oheager tor3#a&lng~la~ 8elmdb the dl8hot dhO%'l&by frO@a PllUW that Vom bOw UMd &a OS olatba of lav to the 4mwtMma and Uvxt the anmuheiamwa* oowt'e ltOtiOa h duOl#nring the Ci&83’@ Ya8 Void. ehs WUFt di8tUUbd the rbovo 8tdUte8Wd held thttha WQnBZMeOZoispWtidiIOt be paid under either 8trtuto. Of h8e7 V8. t%6te, 289 m 42&t?%,t?3 r ule o fo :ma tr uo lo tio a d lfatt t2wb a tp en- ditAAlW8 under Se&lea supra, to ?Jm kilki aad sfssr R. a u u wedfntb blt8tu tbT. h bQb u r8lW t l& Ath & st ua b -&I oxpeaditum vu for 8 purpose bbyond thb duty of ths bi8triot attommy the aomaiaai rev wwt lad no authority to 8llbv s8m under Seatloa of the abevo lt8tu tb . .* Yo u & rr 8b otfally a dYi.w thdeit la th e b p la - lo ao fth lrdb p a rTtma thatn 1, Vader Sectian 19(l) of Utiola 393.20,8&u, the orimLna1 dlrtrict rttoraey ot kcar Ocmnty is entitled to file oldm for 8.M 18aw wrr8ata la plynwmt of 8l.l &cturl aad mbbB8bl7 oxpeade8 fncurred by him la thb w@uot of htr otflab, 8wh a8 ltf&loAery, utmp8, telephaw, tnrvel- lngoxp%ibbS,p~~+rdU~~ ~~~dbp~tibtsrjbon$a 8~~IOtke~~Qea8- Tba rule of ooPsllta%etion e~-&ug~g28yould (SW t&4 88aeofcMbyva. 8 to,2 sua0h 1 8lmu 8mrubjbot tothaeuao t ft thab o ua l udL ty tar;if itappee8 tbatarrJlt.mof 8uohbxpea8en8mtla- burrbd by bUbh offlobr, 0s rubh ltbm lma not b abbbbsary bxpuw ot otflab or 8wh alaS.mir iaaombotormlwful, r~bh ltemshouldbmeatedbythemdltor lnvhlchaaw thb bOlTbOtlIb88, b@ Jw OF WW88itr Of 8Uoh it- Oould be adjudicated ia 6ny oourt of ompeteat juri8diatioa. 2.In8adAtbAtotheexpcwe8allovtd~8~vl- 81On (1) of &mtica 19 ot Artlulo 39220, Y.A.T.f).b, 8qm, ~~88lons~'oo~of~C~ty~~QvCheor2eia- ti dlrtriat bttornby of Bbx8rCmmt upm hlr bvom vrlttba lppllc8tloa 8m th babebaalty t& ntor b sa o h uouat u #id wurt my debt8abawmry to ocry for, br aid ia tlm pmpw b&d.xZrtrbtloa of thb duties of his otiiob, noi to bxebbd ~2,500,00 la uy ame calbad&r yogibar. !Fhe$idgBbat of ths 18 Rovevor, ii the oourt dllovedaa expea&lW VhLoh vau t& wmbthlng not oombatbd vlth the &at148 of tbb offleu of the m'bla8l diltrid attorxbbyswh~luwenoe vavld be Void anda aullftyuader the heldZqot the Cm8tlavalt8.see, rupra. We 8re aot in pos8e8slon of euff~ol6nt rrota UUI I .. 685 1 r iatorPatlontoproper -88 cm tbOOtb~rtt.nF8.tDed pur letter, *am of xl oh era very bro8d&ml gbaersl. in ,i %U8tiag th8t thl8 MtiSfsOtOPi~ aDbveF8 p'3Uk'in- quiry, ve 8~ /:PFIIcVEZDEC18, 1940