In ywr latter 0 JMLNJJ5itCOW
the rolloang
contraat OUT1
by “A, n@nt,* aad
oontr6ot Barrier pemllt
inem thusoontnrotedfor.
our opltdon(LBtu whether
be of the aharaoter
eat out
b, V%ZTLOI&'SCiYil &t6tUtUS, 06&6tkrg
0116, *0+1dSS for th6 f8lJWUkO6 Of both
04ldW 66rtifiO8t66 Of 003lV6lltOli66 SiXid
ot oarrierpemlta. sarotlon19 thereal
viMoh 6n applioatloa SW ofxwun 66rti6r
ri&te rJUBt O&d.& 6ttiCSUOtitM b(b) gf~& tit3 fIiOCf#
m-t b6 rhoun ln 6n appliostlon for 8 QontFaat oarrlerperaitr
tithout UndQ t0 60 t&O d6tnil.e it ill ~UtfiO~'%Att0
note that nnt for a 4ortifioatrauthorielng a oomaon
carrier operation is faoed with a owiid6&?Xbly hUavf6r bwdsn
thnn is th8 ixi:plt6antfor a otmtraot 66~'3ier pWmit. Turther-
ame, it my b6 observed that the holder ca$0 ourtifieats of
conv65ieno~aribneeeeolty88 4 oam10n Barrier
enjo s braadur prltll6ges than dear the holdsr of
'Ihe Ea tter does not havs th%,rrtf&t t6 66ZT6 th6
Glenn 8. L6wl.s