Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU8TIN Hon. Frank R. IlWrray County Attorney Carson Countp Fenhandle, Texas Dear Sir: opinion ao. o-es4 Ret Constitutiona Your requeet ior 0 carefully ooneidered by thl your letter of requeet a@ f Wqder the ao turn ~mtorreb to in the eaptlon unty Is author- ized to employ a s lerk for the County Judge 036YOU 0rfi0e suoh a8 o-19 10 eeem that thie aot wou.M be to give a brief y oited anaple e aessstant8 OT 1010 3891 met be paid In this oaee the olerk olae none of the authority employed nerely for work other work made neeseeary eatly appraoiate your advice ae to t is lawful for the County to es- or etenographorto work unbr the f the County Judge and pay said olerlt utideother then ieer’of the In thisl00nnect10n,will say that the fees of olfice of Cc;uityJudge in thie oountg are only nomlnrl, the lcalnvolume of work being caused by oil valuations,P,W.A. prejeota, County Superintendent’swork and various new things that have grown up in connectionwith ooilntywork.* eon. Prank R. Warray, Page 2 Corson County, Texas has a populationof aeven thnusand, seven hundred and forty-five (7,745) inhabitants, accordins:to the last preoeding Federal Census of 1930, and Sts officers are covzpensatedupon a fee basis. Oninion No. O-2224 of this departments holds Rouse Pill 438 of the 46th Legislatureof Texas unconstitutional as a local Or SpeOiel law attemptingto regulate the affairs of a county in contraventionof Section 56 or Article 3 of our Ctste Constitution. We enclose herewith a copy of Opinion R0. C-2224. Article 3902, Vernon's knnotatedTexas CiQil Sta- tutes, reads in part as follows: Whenever any district, county or preoinot officer shall require the rervices of deputies, assistantsor clerk6 in the performanoeof hSs duties he shall apply to the County Commissioners* Court of his county for authority toappoint such deputies,assistants or clerks, stating by sworn applicationthe number needed, the position to be filled and the amount to be paid. Said applica- tion shall be aooompanled by a statement showing the probable receipts from fees, oommSssionsand compensationto be COll8Oted by said 0irSce during the fiscal year and the probable disbursements which shall include all salaries and expenses of said oiftioe;and said court shall make its order authorizingthe appointmentof such deputies, assis- tants and clerks and fix the compensationto be paid them within the limitationsherein prescribed aad determine the number to be appointedaa in the disoretionof said oourt may be proper; provided that in no oase shall the Commissioners'Court or any member thereof attempt to influenoethe appointment of any person as deputy, assistant or clerk in any 0Tfice. Upon the entry of'such order the officers applyiw for such asaiatants, deputies or lclerks shall be authorized to appoint them; provided that said oomp8nSatiOnshall not eXOe8d th8 marSmum amount hereinafter set out. The ooapensatlonwhich may be allowed to the deputiee, assistantsor 018rks above named for their cervices shall be a reasonable one, not to 8XOe8d the fOllOwin$ amountsx 71. In oounties haQing a populationof twenty- fSye thousand (25,000) or leas inhabitants,first Eon. Frank R. XurraY, Page 3 assistant or chief deputy not to exceed Eighteen Hundred ($1800.00)Dollars per annum; other assistants, de dies or clerks not to exoeed Fif- teen Hundred ($1500.00) Dollars per annum each." Artiole 3883, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Sta- tutes, reads in part as hollows: RExospt aa otherwlsa providsd in this Act the annual fees that may be retained by preclnot, county and district ofiioers mentioned in this Article shall be as follows: "1. In counties containingtwenty rive (25,000)'$housandor lose Inhabitants;County Judge, Distriot or ,CrimlnalDistrict Attornsy, sherirr, County Clerk, County Attorney, Distriot Clerk, Tax Collector, Tax Ass4s8or, or the Aeseae- or and Collector or Taxes, Twenty-fourHundred (824OO.OOjDollars eaoh; Juatios of the Paaae and Conatablo,Twelve liundred ($1200.00)Dollars 4aob.v Article 5891, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Sta- tutes, reads in part as tollowsr *Each orrieer named in this Ohapter shall be rirst out,@ the aurrent Be5 of his orrice pay or be paid the amount allowed him under the provisions of Article 3863, together with the salaries of his assistanta and deputies, and authorized axpcnsea under Articla 5699, and the amount neosssary to cover costs or premium on whatever surety bond may be req:llredby law. If the cu-rent feea of such office colleatedin any year be more than the amount needed to pay the amounts above specified, same shall be deemod excess tees, and shall be wp044a 0r in the manner hereinafterprovided. *In counties containing twenty-rivethousand (25,000) or less inhabitants,Distriot and County offioers named heroin shall retain one-third of such 4xccs5 roes until such one-third, together with the amounts spoairied in Article 5253, amounts to Three Thousand Dollars (#&OZO). Preolnat offi- aera shall retain one-third until such one-third together with the amount SpeOlfied in Article 3663, amounts to Fourteen Ruadred Dollars (@400).* Hon. Frank I?.Yurray, Page 4 Article 3892, Vernon's ¬ated Texas Civil Sta- tutes, reads as follows; -Any orfioer mentioned in this Chapter who does not collect the maximum amount or hls r444 for any fiscal year and who reports delinquent roes for that year, shall be entitled to rstaln, when colleatea, such part of such delinquentfees as is sufficientto complete the maximum oompensa- tion authorised by Articles 3883, 3883-A. and 3886 for the year In whiah delinquentfees were charged, and also retain the amount of 4x04s~ fees authorized by law, and the remainder oi the delinquent roes for that fiscal year shall bs paid as heroin provided ror when oolleoteai pro- vided, the provision4 or this Article shall not apply to any officer atter one ysar from the date he oeasos to hold the orrioe to which any d~alin- quent ree is au4, ana in the event the orricsr earning the roes that are delinquenthas not ool- ledted the s4m4 within twelve months arter ho coasee to hold the Orfhe, the amount or r44e colleoted shall be paid into the oounty treasury. Provided, howover, that nothing in this Act pro- eludes the payment of 4x-otiiolotees in acoor- aanp,s with Title 61 or tba Revised Civil Statutes Of Toxae, 1925, as part of the maximum compansa- tlon. Provided, that any change made in this Arti- cle by this Act shall not apply to roes herotoior4 earned.* Article 3t39!3, Vornon*s Annotated Texas Civil Sta- tutes, roads as rollows: "The Commiesionors'Court is hereby debarred rrom allowing oom,pensation r0r 4x-0rriaiO 44r- vicest, county officialswhen the compensationan& exoers roes which they are allowed to retain shall roach the maximum provided ror in this chapter. In oases where tha compensationand exaess iess which the orricers ar4 allowed to retain shall not reaoh the maximum provided ror In this ohaptsr, the Commissioners'Court shall allow compensation for 4x oriicio servla4ewhen, in their judgment, such companeationis nec4ssary, proviaed, such compensationror ex ofiioio eervioas allowed shall Hon. Frank R. Wrray, Page !3 not increase the compensationof the official beyond the aaxlmum or compensationhnd excess tees allowed to be retained by him under this ohapter. Provided, however, the ex orflcio herein authorized shall be allowed only aiter an opportunityfor a public hearing and only upon the arriwatw vote or at least three members oS the CommissioneratCourt." Artiole 3899, Vernon’s Annotated Tetas Civil Sta- tutes, reads in part as Sollousr "(al. At the sloae OS eaoh month or his tenure or ofrio% each oiiieer named herein who is compensatedon a See basis shall make as part or the report now required by law, an ttemleed and sworn statement OS all the actual snd neoessary expenses incurred by h5m in the oonduat OS his oifioe, suoh as stationery,stamps, telephone, premiums on oSSloials*bonds, includ- ing the oost or surety bonds ror~hia deputlera, premium on iire, burglary, theit, robbery lnsur- anoe proteuting publia Sunds, traveling expenses and other necessary expenres.... The amount of salaries paid to assistant8and deputies shall also be clearly shown by suoh officer, giving the name, position and eaount paid eaah; and in no event ahall any orricer show any greater amount than aotually paId any such aaaistant or deputy. The amount oS suah expenses, together with the amount oS salaries paid to assistants, &putles or clerks shall be paid out of the Sees earned by suoh oSS1ser....I (Underscoringours) The language or sub-division(:a)0r Artiofe 3899, supra, is essentiallythe same as Article 3897 OS the Revis- ed Civil Statutes oS 1911, a8 amended by hots OS 1923, which was construed by the Texarkana Court OS Civil Appeals in the aase oS Casey vs. State, 9SS 8E 488, as not lnoluding steno- graphio help In its allowsnoe or *actual and neaessary ex- penses," to the ofSloe holder in the conduct of his office. The Court applies the rule oS oonstructlon"ejusdem generis" which would likewise apply to the present statute lnasmuoh as the same sets out the allowable oSSice expenses particu- larly, in like manner, as the statute construed in the above mentioned case, Sixing the grade and aharaoter OS such ae not including stenographlohelp. Ron. Prank R. Eurrag, Page 6 Opinion MO. O-1620 or this department holds that the county attorney of'Walker County, Texas, has no authority to employ a stenographerand pay her salary es an authorized expenee out or his fees or offiae. This opinion deiinet the term estenogrepher." Opinion Wo. O-1674 of this department holds that when the oounty attorney of Liberty County, Texas, complies with Artiole 9902, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes, a "clerk" may be appointed for the oountp attorney. Opinion Ro. o-1930 of this departmentholds that neither the aounty attorney nor the oommissloners~oourt have any statutoryauthority to employ a stenographerfor the aounty attorney of Johnson County, Texas, and pay for mme Out or county funds. Thla opinion also holds that neither the oosvsissionersf oourt no@ the distriat attorney of Johnson County and th% l2th Judlaial Dlstrlot hare any statutory authority to employ a stenographerfor said distrlet attorney and expend either oounty or state funds for the pur- peas. This opinion further holds that the oomissioners’ oourt of Johnson County, Texas, a salary county, having a population or thirty-threethousand, three hundred and seven- teen (33,317) inhabitantsacoording to the last preaeding Federal Census, may authorize the employmentof a stenographer by the county judge and pay for suoh services out of the general fund of the aounty to an amount not to exceed Twelve 3undred ($12OO.C0)Dollars per year, under the provisions of Sub-division(a) of Seotion 13 of Artiale 2912e, Vernon’s Annotated Texas Civil Statutes. We also enoloss herewith ao$$es of opinions Nos. O-1220, O-1874 and O-1930 of this department. We are unable to find any velld statutory authority wbloh would authorize the oommissionere” oourt of Carson County, Texas, to expend any oounty funds for the employment Or a stenographerfor the aounty judge of said county. The county judge of Carson County Is without atatu- tory authority to employ a stenographerand,my her,selary as an authorized expense or his ofrice out of his roes or orri ce. You are respeotl'ullyadvised that it is the opinion or this department that when the county judge of Carson County, Texas, complies with Artiole 3902, Vernon's Annotated Texas Bon. Frank R. Hurrap, Page 7 Civil Statutes, a clerk may be appointed for the oount judge am3 when the aounty judge eomplles with Seotion Ta) of Article 3899, Vernon's Annotated Texas Ciril Statutee, he may pay 6aid olerk oat or his reea of orriae as an authorized expenee 0r orrice. The county would not be authorized to expend any county ruuda whatsoever for the payaent or the salary of the aounty judge*a clerk in your oounty. Very truly yours ATTO?SEP GK'IERALOF TEXAS #C APPROVI OP,N,O COMMn-i =?&