Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

/oVermlsd by O-5935 %a au rar 68 it eoe- iliats/ hbard of Couatg ttn6Distrtet Hoed InQebteQneo8 LGlLItin, Tarns :)earZlrt Oplnloe 100.O-1942 Her Ttutdate tapanwhloh aertaa bonua t?L* pm- weds of which were 8xpwded in Eh. ooastrw- t?.onof roads Dalybeatum ellglble for putioi etfoa ln ceunty sntlRwd 1)Estrlat :SlghwsyFueds. We wkaowleQe reaolpt of your rogae8t ier 138 opinton 63 to t4e date upoa *h&oh oertein bonds deoaribed ta your eommunlaotloflbecoma eli&lble rr pertlc&palilan %n the County aad Read Di&rist lf@map Fmds. You Bate enclosed ttaerewlth exaerpts *aat& mirmtes of the ?&&nay Oaraission refleat~~ hre&Vs aatiaa8 t&en by thst Ooaaais~lonfrma tia, to ttatr rXt.rd@ OVW?0 period of ap admetely faurteen (l4) yeara, all .8J *b%*& 4ave for thep” r mb$oct just twa rcde, nesaely, B&hwaprr Irlaua- hers 103 oad 191. Thee8 mlautos do not reroal tbt tha High- way Comm%ssloa 4es evw fox-mallsand iSa@ll~ ~e&net,eb an&ah rends ma 6 part of the State HZ&way ~pitfim. ft is obvlcwl that-at ti-mtime of their adoption these mfnates only aoadl- tloaally desi(guto4 suah roaCLoand whether OF not the oo&& tioae lmpoaatd therela hate eber been aomplia6 with, we thlek, ts a quo&ion af ieat that mat be dcoidsd ba the Bi&wap COB- tiaalan, however, in our opinion the ao6wer to par quastloa does aot Uspead solely ugoa the detenlligation of theae isots. 1939, e&ml& solve the problcrmaad sfferd the Ztoardof County and Metriat Read Xndebtsdaess8 bzmia upan wNcb to determlae the el@lbillty oi any bon(tetu gartioipate in the fund pxvolded in Met law. Ffrat, we oell your attention to -Peotton2, Pere- grep4 3 uf 3. B. 668, whereia t;!re Le@.l8lLaturo hea uaderteken to define axprsseienaused thrwglout the Act, auch Paragraph readiw *a follarre: i,tr. G. ii. W&t, ~JWP 2 psrt OS the system or desh3astsU ststo hlghwnys * * m + end Inoludigsroads OoaoOr~ Whioh the Btst~ ~tgt~wayCommlwlon had pr>rforto Jsausrp 2, 1939, iadlmted ita intentlou tm deslgasto 8vidOaOiag sush intOntion In the orrlolsl rsaords or iilOs.* Seooadly, we point out thisfurther lsngunge appear- iragin ,A.R. 688, seatJon 6a. Bigquato in pert1 "Al.1lumtis,warrants or other evidsnaOs Of iadebtedaeeatlsretofore lssusd by OoUnties Or db tin* roOd diatriots 0r thio stste * + * iasefar aa mounts or same wore issued for sad the proseeds , With psrtioulereaphs+s boIa& laid upaa ths Mdersoorsd phreses 0r the strarequotation it will bo noted that the lsw soatomplstes thatonly suoh bonds, wurrenta ox other evldenoes of iadebtebass SO wers Issued for end ths proses&a 8ataall.gsxpeaded ia tbs sea- struetlonof rondathet deiinltel~ aowtlttrtiee pert (d the State De0lpted Byetom of Highwsys shall b8 dii4toh1 ra p0rtil0ipstgon la the Fund aoorulag to the BosN. Bob@ter*a XntematIoaal Dlo- tionary ,dofinss*dosQastOff8s nssa%agr @%e 8pOoS.C~BP sst ape&.* Thus it wIU. be seea that the inteatlonof th kglslatktrswas th%t.wly suoh rosdaas hsd besa speskfied as s'm of ths Stste 8ighwsy f3ysteie clponrhloh oouatg or dsfiati zosd blatriot funds haa bmn expondod aould oonstltate the basi8 ror the ~~s+tIol~dtIonof euoh obli@&ms in the fimds eoeralag to . art1018 6666 of Vernon*8 Mnotstod Civil fitstates dlreots thatthe Bteto IiIghtrey'Commlssioa sboll estsbUsh sad .mke @ublis proslfw3tIsnor sU ruloa sad matioas for ths oaaduot ai the work of the dspsrtamatas rsegbs deemoil nooos- ssry, sot iaoonelstontwItn the law. 11fe hsve inquired of ths Xffhwsg Dapsrtduoatss to t&e erietsnae of sush rules aad rsgals- tiona and hve bssa ~XIWXVW~ twt no r0ma rule8 and rs&.atIoas have ever bsen &opted by tho WmaImdoa. It timreforfa beaomns nsaossarg rur us to srrtve at tmm bwle upon whIeh a dotarnrias- tlon aen bogmsde ss ta wban 8 road sttuellg boaomess psrt of t'taftete :lystem. ktfole 6673 suthortses the &$w%y &s&,a%ioa to take mm end meiatsln t!re oarLou% %t%te hiffhw~~peia ‘2%x%8sad tellaves t&e oouaties throu& whiattaaid hl&h*rrryspass from sag oost, expense or 8uperviaIonof suoh a ~!xwa:Jp. Ya the asE# of Fall 98. Kllbsrger County, 37 3. $7.(2d 7 lOWI tars.by uom. 0r AppMl6, 55 E. w. (26) 797. t4o Court said t,titr"sll stete hi&- Wnye are u&err exaluslve ooatrol cinb lnenegerwnt of t4e Stete ~~I@kwayUepnrtlwRt.a Xt appssre thst whoa trimHlg$hwagOmals- sion tekne ovar publis roads of oouaties or road distriots t=Mt Kr. c. .A. iright, peee 3 1% bQCOnaQ8 t!le duty or the Hi?$wat ColPrr;lU~Slraa rrcml wmt de. forwsrd to aainteln s&ah TWW%* Fwsuant to tha ebore ptteted Aeolsions the counties themtiter ere divested oi ang W-X over such N4~~hwaya. AaoorUngl~r,thoresftersuch roads mat be oonefderedes a pert of the deeipwted Rtete Tmkway Qetesi,. Xt seem8 that thle l.8the 0nlg oonstruationthat can be pleond upon the statutes end we are, eeoordinRfg,of thm opinion theItthe p&l10 reed of n oounty dmta not beaome a plpf 01'tticCecignctedStats Highway ryeten until Lt .heebeen offlol8~- 1s taken over bs the Hl~hweY Coaaiaslonreveehave for msaintenancs mirmlce8 T5e minutes of t.heHiffhweyCemxWltzonreveal oontingent,temper-• ory acd aonditionnl deeitmtione bet we think 5t not uureaeensbls to conol.udethet swh roads,aanmt become e pert of the Stak, Hlghwny :zpntm.until the term end conA?tlons le?d c!oPrnin errah nlnntes %I00 bean C~llQd wit!iend that r0110wlng ouch t%lm 118 n acq5llwwc?ts 58s been prolrsnto the %f:!:way Englncer, and the iiighwmyCa~lnniaeion offiaial.ly deeignetesse03 reed aa e pert or t&e IZtats91ghmy System, sn,sbanA or other oblS.getlon Ia- sued, the proueoda of wh205 were expended in the oonntraetion. or puxahnae af ri&-&of-wny theraror aen pcrt1oipot.e tn tha cotm,g snd Utntriat z~l@~y Rtnd as provided in :l.a. 688, TM think 211s Is true irreopectlve of the apperoiat exoeptkn exbt lag in Paragraph 2 ef Reotian 6a of auoh Law, whloh reeds aa follows : It is dfrriault to detertine exactly t>s intentof t&i Le&Astr~ra Ia Cle enact~nti of this parP@-eph. We t&ink Ita true aemnlng can be gepwd only by a resding of suoh paregraph la OOQ- ntmtion wltt~ tt:a on8 *aiOtOlp preaablng it, xn othw words, tse pruaedlng p&rams h luakeeflieible for psrtlalpationin the Countp nnd LXntrlot >4,#:nwayPud eli bonds, werrnnta or ofhe eviden0s.vof lndsbtednesa, the proceeds of Whloh aotaally have been expended in tic aonstruotlonof r~~¶e t&t cosstituts OnA oomprise a part or the Q9,eE or D@aignated PtRte :URhwess ea hi&way uea not offlaially end for~lly dealgnwted until e date subsequent to 3anuery 2, 1939, but in lipevent aould the bond8 ptirtinfpnte effof the date of tfie4i&uztewlarein the LilghwayCoarmiaaion Lndicetad Its intenteon "wodasQnr?te lliutih road upon the hepptmlng 0r soma ruture event or act. The Ckner#l Lewn of the 35th Le@slsture, Acts of 1917, p~(~e416 to 427, ror the rsrst tlau In the history ot the rtate 9 created a Ststo Bghtmy Departfmnt end in tha amarmy alause, we ilki this 1allgUsgen Vhe lmpastive naed or smaures 0elOulsteQ Da Etleoure gmxitar 43tiioionoyena ilurablut~ 3.apublio aid ~o~t~otlod afIdgXW4talTMOJttw4fin tit0OXpBdb ture of the lsrge sum Or publAo funda annually (IP- ploytadln road work an4 the faot thet Teran hea no Zi~hwsg Cepsrtmentvasted with pWa~-tO ~IWOUZ'S~~ en4 dire& tiiadavalopmsnt or 5 $&m!i ~~of~~~@iateh%Rb- m areatee an 0mergsnoy sad 811 Peasssltg tar the auspawdtonor the~aonstitu~loaal rule requlrlng bflle to bo read on three aataral days * ** This law 111ade it me duty 0r the Casaiasion oreatod by it to rormulste ~~10s oti regkilstlons r0r me purpose or tree- p&sting Mghweyo throughoutthe Steto or Texss snd oreatIng a complete Btete Xighway EJystam. It km6 been asendod ln soa8 r& speoto frowntime to tisle but genmally the text of the law still eontas@lstesthfttpubllo rcada C# the aountiaa an4 &fS.neilroid districts tnken In bs t!%aCommlamrion for amint@mncreand oporatti shell be aomidored IIpart of the doeigapted St&o Hlghwag @stem and until suah rood la oiiiolallytakoa mar by $he CaePrfaaUn rcn msintsasnoe purpoaee se16 rots3oarmet IhaaoasMara4 a psrf 0r 8u0h t5ymwh ATToxrn t3ElNmALOP TxxAl3 By /a/ Olsranoe E. Crowa Clsrenae X. Crowa APPRcJv-xD AmI. 16, 1940 /s/ Qroror Gell4re