Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

II OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS 23: Ron. 0. 7. 8. Ell.in&fmb%ze 2 "If aatual flat tlma senrd is more than 10 years end 1088 then 20 pars e 75.00 “it aotuel flat tlme served is over 20 years s100.00 Tn eddItIo3to the pa9zaent11 shown abom, the primmer ehcill also rocelvethe preeorlbed clothlnufor zelaeeeon diroherge. *in cot-.putlqan lnmtO*B flat t&c43or served, you shaul& fl@;uro tina uotccilly rraa the date lm wcm oentenoed, and not fron the date he wea receivedat the penIteatIer9. *Ifhena prl6ooaerreoolvesa Condltlonal Pardon or Parole, regmdleor of when he 1s releasedfzpn custody,he Ie to zsoelrol pay- neat or $5.00, raiLroadtare rraa; the point of re4lcaeoto plnct!ci ~convlotlon ena the preecrlb- ed olotfiing. *%here 8 Candl t lw& Par&u or Per010has boen revoklrrd aad the prisoneris returnedto prison ta serve h%a ~ntenae, the amount to be paid hia upon dlsahar~ ehell be, (LOahown above, baaed on the actual flat tlm froxcthe date of his ap?rehemlon after revooatlonof olsa~ency to the date of discharge. The time served prior to i?eOelYlng the Condltlonal Z'ardon or Parole connot be 00n6leer0e es ohe prisoner wan paid et the t&se of his releeee,the stetutoryallow- en80 of 85.00, reilroedtare from point of re- lease to plea8 of oonolotitxi nne providedwith the pnsoribe0 clothing. Xed tb oleaonoy(punt- ed not been violated end the prisoner reaolned out or prleon until he wae finallyeIaoherfg3e, ;;e;rthar psymmt would bare been wade by the . “mTRil?.?s: When 0 p&toner Is granted a reprieve, xqardleso of the length of time it aofars,no peymc_at of en9 nature 1s due hisa,and neither is there any statutoryrequlre=eatfor cloth- ing to be furnlehed. wmae on extension of e reprieve not be granted,or the reprieveis revokedand the IE- rant8retwn0e to prison to fmrve the renaineer of his sentence,the oontlnultyof tins soned la not ocnsi8c~reebroken by the reprieve,and in Uetarzlnlnp,the amount to be paid upon dls- oharge, you should add the tlum served before and after th.sropriovean& pay the imate in aoooreancewith the aoheduleon the preoeelag for flat tlm 60tually s0rveQ. The t&e pair;8 servedbefore tho reprieveshould be oounted In this aiiueaa the prleonerwas not given anything whon he wua roleeeedon the reprlevo. Where a reprieve1s revoked,the prlaoner will not receivecredit on hS6 sentenoefor the tlae he wu8 rcloaese on the reprieve, and hle ornelt on the mcutenoewill 8top with the date of his role&soon the roprleve. “Eschq8 a *lChen e prlucner esonpea, 1s reoeptureU and returnedto prison to oompletehis sentenoe, the amount due him at data of dleohar~ should be orrlred at in the 8am manor as lf h? was re- loaeod on a wprlsteI that 18, l.n doternrlniq the flat time before and after the eno+pe,add them toGether and then pay the fmounte in the seheenls on pq6 1 for aotual flttt.‘time’ served. AII1x1the uase et reprieves,the flat ttie before the date of e8oape should be oounted in arrl91w at total flat time nerved, as the prisonermm not clven amhlag when he esoapetl. =ln all of the above oases,the prisoner 5s entitledto withdraw en9 fun&s he ~a9 have on deposit in the offloe or the SarQen or Semi Eanagar upon his belng released." you+ attent:onis dimm3e to Article 6166z(1) Civil Statutesof Texas, nhioh statutegovernsthe l?evleed Hon. 0. z. 3. P,lUngabn,Togo 4 paymentson dlaohar berdon a8 est forth In your above quo e TaT%:: fu1r *non a prImnor Is entitledto a din- charEc trolaprI800,he or ehe abell be fur- nished with IIwritten or printeddischargefro= the snnegtw, with seol atilred,eI@ed by thr CCUL- oear, glvlng prisoner98naas, date ol oentenoe, fmm what County sentenced, enount or oaxautn- tlon rooelvod,it any, the trade ho hen learnad, ir CDJ, hie pmmion0y in 8a38, end auoh des- oription60 say be praotlaable. Suah tliaoberg- ad pemtm shall be turnlshodwith a daoent out- fit of oitlzen’rolothingof good qunlityand fit, end two suit8 OS unaem4ar; aad when a per- aon and/or oonvloteotuelly servesover one year, he shall mcnive Fifty Dollar8 ($50.00)IO mney in vCdItIonto any Eoney held to his or her are- &it, providedthat it e poraon end/or oonviot doea not sotuallymrve one year Slat tine he shall not reoelvePiftp Sllera (fMO.00);&ut in llou thereef (L pcrrron 6erviag leara than one year satual the ahall reoelve‘ik@nty-five Dol- lam (&F&O) in money ti additionto any money held to his or her oredit and a aeoent outfit ai oitIeea*oolothlng ot geoQ quelltyand fit and two ouits ai underwear, pmldod that lf the natusl time rrorvdl exoebds ton (10) yeero, the mm of money &ml1 bs Seventj-iIve fkllara end ii the aatuol time served exceed8 h) years tho mm of rboney ehall be One Eumlrod Dolles (8100.00). Aa far (LBmy be praatloeblothe l’riaonIbard ray authorize a are&ion of e Eureeu for tho purpose of plaoing di6aharged priSoaera in oonneotion rIth ~cploy- met&, providedouah will not be extra expense to the YrIeon 3yat(h.g Artiole 6603(10), Civil Statutesof Texas, Revised governing the 8eot:oaon ~4tion or wrole e8 mt OOnait~0d forth in year aInn4 quotail lottar-Pi,48 iollovm~ “Upon the dischargeOS eny prisoner upon parole,either under the pro1ioion4 of tblo Aet, or throw the exoroieo by the ~vemor t?OD. 0. .',R. "lllD~8oa,Pap 5 o r lxeoutiveolemnoy, independentol t:ia Aot, ruob prr8cn 80 percled,shall be rur-Asked by the prcpar of~losrsof the State Ptlaon Fonrd nit3 mob olotblnt PS Is usually furnlsbedto prlronaraupon disohargsrroa prircn la thI8 State togathrr-; ith e railroad non-transferable tlokrt rron t!m plaoe cr l;irdl6aha?gsto the plaoe or his aonvSatIoDand 8entenae,am? In addltloathereto the 8m or t5.09.a AD opinionsddraeseb to 0. 2. 6. Ellingronby foe i7.Alrup, Of Tantarp 6, lQS6, ocntained. In YOlme &69, letter opi~icnsof the Attorney Gaceral,pe6c 877, holda that where a aonvlat served less than one year and yes relaaaedon E oondltioaalpardon1 and theraafier,was arrestedand tuned anotherperiod of less than air month8 lrtsr havlag vlolatedt&a ocwl!rlonsor his pardon, upon hi8 rubsequentdisotiarge, ha 1s entitledto oDly $gS.OO tOr haring rtrwd lass than OIL@yea:, the oonstruotlonbe- ing that the bgislsture intmd6d the aoovlotshould 8arve ocnaaautlvatlae, 1~ o:der to x-aoalvathe paymentssat forth in hrtlale61862(l),3evi8edClvll 6totutaeot Texnr, Also, tbti de~artaicnt gives the additions1reason for the hOldiBg in the alove opinionthat the ocnviot0111 have reaeivedtTtcbtnetit8st tcrth In’Article6eOS(lO),Sevired Cl011 StatutesOf Texas, above puottd, upon his raleaae on 4 ooaditionalBprdon. The lubstanoao? the C&varnor~sproalaiaation granting aleaenoyoontrolrits 0rre0t re~nPtilta8oi the Be&la by ahleh it is designated. rr Part6 Elaak,. 69 s':i tad 828. It would 844~5 that Artiale 619G o? Title log, R0lh.a Civil T;tDtutsr of Terss, a8 8et rortfiID rroo3pIled Volwio 19 of ?awnon'rAanotatrd Clvll Statutes ct Texar, would have aoze roroe and etttot with ruferanoeto the dlaohargeof eonvlota. UO~?:ever luoh,is not true in hat. At the regular aasnionof the 40th Lsylslature, Zcuse El11 59 ot.CbeptdrEl&, repealedall of Title 109, 3evIsed Clrtl Statute8of Texas, cxceat article62OoJ.Thereafter, at the tirrt oalled sessionof the 41st Leglslsturt,3mate Bill Ea. 85, Se&loo '1,prcvldad en lswlmsnt of Artiah 6196, ?avlsod Clvll Statute8of Texas. The passage OS Senate El11 83 dld not make an lnde endeat aat, but plaln- ly stats8 an lnfeot!oato saend Artsole FlQ6, : and sfnae Your attonticn 3s direotad to that portion af your nosaa~a whioh relatee: -Zn oarputlngnn lnmte*s flat the or t:r.eautually Berned,you ohould rlp,ure rror: the date he mu senteaoed and not frcrr the data 5.0WE moetoed at die penitentiury.* ?hlie stntcmnt In correat wlisrs the inmite ao- eepte hls 89nteR00 UithOUt en UpJWtll. :ihnrtthe Imate renaimtlin jail or was ia tho ponltcatiaryCuri% tls appeal, hlr tlxo DoEins to run cn thr dote of tho ~Sabdr,tc. There tha lnmte is at lar.go on bond or reco~niztmoe lend- ing appeal hla tlm begins to run won hi6 arroet ead the exeoutionot m oomftmont iamed by the trial oourt upon receipt oi the nnndate. Art. 77fi, Cods of Cxldnal Frocedura at Texan. It is our opinionthnt ycur 3etter cor$eotly ateteo the paysaonta due ooavlotswhen blaohnr@ or re- loam34 on olemsncy. The Hatenents in your letter an4 the reoitatfonaof the oplnlonaas rretforth herein are hereby adoptod, this to anawor yaui inquiry,we ure Bolftwint, Very truly prmro