Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

~-16 @E’l?ICE OF .Tm &TORN&YGENERAL PRICE DANIEL *nORKeu GENSRAL January 14,,1947 Hon.~MarshallHarvey, Secretary-Treasurer Texas State Board of Chiropodygxaminers 1109 Avenu6 K .Lubbock,Texas Opinion No. V-16 Re: Whether members of the Texas state Board 'or ChiropoayWneFs are entitled to compensatioh for time taken in travel to ana from Board meet- ings, under the provis- ions of Article 4674, chs.r- Dear Mr. Harvey:, . : ‘ 0p0ay Practice Act. Your request for an opinion dated January 4, 1947, is in substanceas follows: *The question has a&en among mem- bers of this Board a number of times as to . whether Board membeWa?e entitled to com- pensation for time taken in travel to and .from,Botird meetings. "In cases of most members of this Board it requires-a day or the greaterpart .thereof,to travel to ad-from such meet- ings. Under Article 4574, @iropody Prac- tice Act of Texas provision is in&&efor coni- pensation and expenses while actually en- gageedin the ~serviceor the Board. would travel to a&l from be'considered Wactually &gaged in the service of the Board'? Article 4574 of the Revised Civil Statutes Of the State of Texas provides as follows: "Each member of the Board'shallre- : ceive for his servicesTen ($10.00)Dollars per day ana necessarytraveling ana inci- dental expenses while actually engaged in the service of the Board. The Secretary shall receive his necessary expenses for Hon. Marshall Harvey - Page 2 Q services actually performed for the Board, for printing, postage and other expenses necessarilyincurred in administeringthis law shall be paid from the fees received by the Board and all expenses shall be itemized, verified, audited ana an account kept thereof bg,the Secretary of the Board who shall pay the same out of said fees which accrue to it." Since the statute under considerationprb- vides that the expenses incurred in administeringthe. law shall be paid from the fees received by the Board, your question must be decided on the basis of whether the expense incurred is an authorizedone within the purview ~ofthe.statute. c It will be observed from the abdve statute that the Legislatureintended that each member of the Board shall be entitled to "necessarytraveling and'in- cidental expenses while-actuallyengaged in thenserVioe of the BoararW 'The State Board of %hiroj%%!ly Examiners is entrustedwith the duty or carrying out the provi- sions of the ChiropodyPractice Act and is empower&J to “., prescribe.reasonableor-necessaryregnlations~andby- laws to govern its proceedingsand activities. -Th& Board shall adopt all necessary rules to regulate the' practice of chirbpodyana shall hold meetings at,,least twice a~y&r and special lheet=pgJi;~!ag~",s~~p& Board must examine pa licens the prosecutiotiof al.1persons violating the provisions of the Act and must pass upon and approve educational institutions. Further, the Board may, after due hear- ing, refuse to grant or,*new and may revoke any license issued under the provisions of the lathupdn evidence of misconduct. Travelingexpenses, therefore, of a Board member may be allowed only if such attendanceiisQi di- rect relation to his~prescribedduties. It is believed that a member travelingto and rrom an authorizea.?eard meeting is actually engaged in the serVicd of the Board. To properly function, it is necessary that the Board have adequate policies and-regulationswhich'ati formu; latea by the State Board of ChiropodyExaminers; It' would appear that dtehdance at a Boara~meeting,whioh necessitatestravel to and from'suchmeeting &ould be required of each individualmember-intodischarge prop.erly the auties,imposedupoll,the.BoaMby the Chiroptiddy P&$- tice Act.' 7% seems that the sttittite eviaences a.1egi.G lative intent.that%raveling expenses incurred in trav- Hon. Marshall Harvey - Page 3 cling to and from meetings of the BOara are actually in' relation 'tothose servides renabred by the Board of Chir- opody Examiners. 1!. Therefore, your question should be ans+rea in the affirmative. Members of the'iezkati Stat6 Boar&of Chiropody Examiners are actually engaged in the service~of the Board in travelingto and from authorize& meetings of the Board pur- suant to Article 4374 of the Revised Cjvil Statutes of the State of Texas, ana are en- titled to necessary travelingexpense. . Very trury yours ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS BW:WB APPROVED 'APPROVEDJANUARY 14, 1947 OPINION COMMITTEE BY: Bwl. mm ATTORNEY GEXERAL OF TE&', ,. r .~~ .,