,nowrr CLNER*L :
.; :.
Roaorable Syrian E. Haibut
county Attorney
Lubbock County, .:
Lubbock, Texao
Deaf S1r.i opinion 110. o-7242
Re : Exemption of c
tif+w$, Tple ii1 R. C S., enbraces Articles
A. lc s 693 and &@I read respectively as follorrs:
‘%ach person who shall buy or drlk any animal
or ankals for sale or ahl~cnt out of any county,
or uho shall bug or drlvo the sam for slnuddcr,
shall at the time of purchasiw and boforo driving
the same, procure a wrltto,n bill of sale ?VXI tho
awaer or owners therefrom, or from his OT theLr
. .
.: I
I RonorablO -SgrLan 6. Nmbut - Pa?; 2
legally authorized agent .’ 3aid bill QS sale shall be
properly signed and acknowledged. Such bill of sale
shall distinctly oncmo?ato the number, kind aud-‘gge
of aniuals 3316, together with all rzarks and bra~nde
dlscer&M.e thereon; and said animls before 1eavinR
the county In which they hnvo boea gathered shall bo .:
inspsoted by the luspctor of such county or hla do-
puty. n
Art. 6934.
%%e purcbassr of any hides bf cattle at the
time of purchasing same shall obtain fro;;r the ovmr there- -
of, or from his legally author&ad agent, a written bill
I of. saZe duly ~okoouled~ed, i?hich shall recite in full
the narks and brands of each hide, the wclght thereof,
a . and uhethor the aam is dry or green.” .
. ’
Artiale 6563 roqu&os the purchaser of- any on&al to .s
obtain Sron .the owner thereof, or his :a@nt; a vritton bill OS.~~
snlo in the nannor and. f&n therein preocMbed. &ticLo 6984
i roqulres the purchaser of my hides OS cattle at the ttia of ,,,
purchase to obtain from the omsr thereof, or his agent, a .~‘.:
t wlttea bill. of aale la the nanner and form th$reIn prescrIbad..
It’ is agp?ronf that Article 1452, P.‘C., is eho oounier-
part of Articles Yd3 and 69% and rakes it an offense for the
purchassr bf any anl.ml or hides OS cattle to so purchase without
obtaining fron the owuw thoreof ore his agent a bill of ~rrlo there-
Article 7005, R C. S ., +ftel’ tWl%ug a 1OQG J;ifJt Of COUQ-
tlos, concludes by speciflsally exempting the c?o~nntiQsuazed “from
the provisions OS thin chapter, ,and from all laus regulatL.ng ths
lQSl%f ion’OS h%dos and an1ual.s.’
Article lh32, P. C., 1s found in chapter 13, TLtle J.7;
OS the Penal Code, which chapter ir~cludos Artl,clos 1471-11188. The
la& nentiozisd artiale lo as follows;. --*.
“The counties exenptcd from the lawn rcgilatlog
the insyzction of hides and anlmls are thosu as are
or miy be cxenptod by statute.”
i .
1 ., Bonol?CtblO krlnn E. Mcrbut - P.s,~.3
¶%e only Article that spkf&lly ameo eortain coun-
‘ties oni3 kxezpts them “SFOZIall lavs re@.ati~ the’iospect~oa
of hlclesoncl002112a1s” 1s ArCme 7005.
We nzw therefore forced to the iae’vltable concluoion
those cocntI.os amed in Artkle 7005 are also exmpted fcon
all the &dfCles folmd 1~ Chsptcr 13, Titlc.17, of the Penal CO&,
which iacludes Article 1482.
The corrcctaass.of the a&e conclusloa ia. indubttably
sustained by the le@slatLve hlsto?y’of the original Act of t&o
.. LsgLslature Erm which CMpter 7, Pitlo 121, FL 0. 9., 1925, and
Chapter X3, Title 17, of the Penal Code, were .derivod.
1u.1376, the Pifteeath LeteglnlaSw3 pasaod~an Act (Ch.
z 165, p. 235) oatztled“An AC&to eacouragc stock-ralslng aad for
fr the Wotoctltoa of ‘stock-rz%looro.’ Fhin ~53 ths first cession of
the In~lnl5tum after the odoptlon o$ the ConntLtutfon of 1876
B aud ~the ~bovo hsat:omd Act was an euabling Act to put lute olfect
ths provioions of Section 23, &tr XVI, OS ths aev Constitution.
It cmated the office of~I!gn~to~ of Xides and Animals la each
or-&aalsed county of .the Statet prescrI.bed his pouers ant). dutleq
Sti.@d his compensation; lnposed duties upon stocl: relsers; the
OQllcrs mcl buyers of aaLmls aad hi’deol dcfincd nmerous of-
fenses and prescrlbod pe~aUA.os for the violation thercob. It
WQsa co~p~cl~noivo Act dosl,naed to cover the purposes stated
19 lto title, quoted above. .
Sectionii 12, 12 and 33 of siftj pat read respectively’ ..
as follovsr :.:
. SeottoQ llr
Avery popoon who shall buy or Orive any aainal
or ClQhXtlgfor salo or sh:prr+nt, out Of any COUilty ia
thltoState,. or Vho &cl1 buy 02 drive any anl!ml or
atimls for slc.u@H..or, shall at. tho t3m OS purchasing
aad beforo d~tving the se?.ze, procure a bfll of colt from
tho OUQWor ownera thereor, or Szon his or their le$al-
ly outhorlzod agant, which bill of sale shall be in I?Plt.-
ie, propcrlg sienod nud ccknouulodpd beSore nom officer
aathoplzed to authenticate Inotr~zente for record In thl.s
State. Such bill of calo shall dlctlnctly cuo~oratc tha
nmber kind and qe of an~mls cold, together with all
tho n3rk3 end bra&o clc~occirnlbla on said auricles sn:d
tw~facllo chrll., bSaro 3.enving the o~:nty 1~ ~hl.cir thy
have beon [;i?%h~~~il b6 inS!>oCt6d by tha ItX3;ECtJOr Of such
county or 1113 docputy.”
: j
Chapter 13 !stle 17, po$al cH.k? l325, Wh%Chcoilta$us. :>Art.
1232 8X7 d88. Chapter 5, Title 33, of tho Eoolsed .Civil
statutea of 1879 is rmi l.ticludeU la Obapter 7, Title 123. of
the P,oviznd Civil statut,f+ 1325, vbfch coutalao $eticAsu 1383
&$I and 7005.
Since s?z?ct~oil 4s or ths ori@& Act OS 1376 exsl~tod
all. couaties thcrola rKtrmd“Szos the opemtioa bS the hct”, Lt
cx%xptsd thm SPOZIthe crimi~?l ~~~oolkions aa will as tjhe oivll
provto~ons tiiereoS. alaefore, tb coelflors of ths $ta.tut(33 OS
Is?] m&z it prSectX3 clear thut the‘cbmtiss oxcqzkud Srkn ths
provlalons OS ‘tie cntiro Act WO~Qthose sxsupttrd by Art&la 653
of the Civ.vtl Statutes or AxMclo 735 qf the Wnal God%
As hsrotofozxe stated, you arc odvimd tbat those couu-1:’
ties ux*!3ptcu by Art&a3 7005, as awrtded la m5, Ewe sxeaptcd . 1
urrtxaall l.nwb re@&ing the isnpctlon of hLd.dcs&ad ac:w118”, ::
Includilq- Chapter 13, .Title 17, Penal Codo, vhich io~lu&?s ia-
t icle L&42. _’ .?_ . .. ‘_
- YOUh&vi dixkctsd o&. attention to A&lo lhti5, ~P.C.;
reud+q 03 Solltloys~
%poi the trial of zmy pe~&b chargd with ihs
th6st OS any Cil~l OS tIl0 horsr?, c3s or cattle 2p3ClOS,
ths ‘pmsogaicln of such etot-on on3.ml .br tb~ accuaod,
without a wrlttsn transfor OF bill of sale coatalnirqg
8 n~olfic Uooacrlption of owh anln81, s.?.?ll bo wrr2ran
f&2%0 ~Vib3tkC-o Q&lSt trx, 8CCtL55d t&it 5UCh pOSU3S31Oll
was illegal. n ..
Thu abovo Article was kmctsd in ,I866 and Is foe& in
Chnpter il, Tfitz?.o 17, of the nmal ccJc?a, and has DOhsar~v %&ever
won the question hsro oonz~lilcrsd. %a13 Artlclo Boas no~..~oro t&n
~NXost an 0SSor~ bx the Lq#olatura to eXerc:ss~.thS 1o~itlEiate
ruacti9n OS Exlgiq a chan~c3 In the rulf33 ~ovorning #e burdsn of
prOOf.~ F&KSv. stats, 22 s. IL (26) 684.
. ‘,
1. _..
_- .,
Y0iu.w very truly