"ktoperson shsu. bs petittcci to ronoYa 8 child
from'eeid ham except u~dsr such lewful rubs and
ru&ations as tho iIoerdmy eaopt. In no a36d shell
a child be ri;mvcd tkcrefroa by 5Ay paraol;other thaA
the mtwzl siardiao of said child, 07 the duly quali-
fiod guardid& of the ptlraonof auah child, OE the
parent or raid ohlld-by adsption."
brtiola l&a, &otion 3, provldasr
90 petition tor tha ado bion 0r any leiaor @hiAd
s&ail be granhd aaPntil the o hil d shall hare .liied for
SIX amths la the home ot tho ~titioner provided,
that this raqtiransntnay b6 4.laptuaaedwf fh upon good
OUWd showA in the disoretion Of th8 COUt, when the
Court is saCisiisd thei&the hose of the petitioner
and the ohild ‘81% stitd to wwh other,“
Thsae twe stabatss dkli be wad and oanatraed:~t&~ .
getimr . Thi sureat guide 80 a oorreot oonabruotion Qr a otatuto
1s sewred by asosrt&ing the purposa ilie nakero intanded it
nhould aoocxiplish. The &foot ot the Taxarr Laglslatumin en&
sating the State’s adoption 8trtxaterWHJ to sd$we tar the :~.~:~,
adopted oMJ.d a &seal statw whbh wmld~ mx~t: ol.oBelpapproxi-, ,-’
mk, that provl4e4 bs‘the natU’d1 pax-witsand the ho& ,of
natural parenta. Ths pUb~o in8Woat -4 the wslfare of the ‘~
ahild are dapckdent uppan 811.i.AtorpratatLonof the adoption :
statutes which will do lsast vioLmoe to natural lawe. To
heid that, "in no oaaa*, oh411 8 ohild ba rtciovcdfrom the
State Or~pnans’Borneby any person other then the natural guard-
iaA.of se14 child, or the OuLy qualkflcd guerdian of tha person
of suoh ahild, or thd parrot of raid chil4 by edoption, would,
operate to d&eat tha beaevolsnt intent of 3x1~ adoption rtatutae.
Childran, who sight athemfis5 bs pladcd in good Cotmn, would
be forced to rumin in the inefitubion.
It 10 aiapirLaent tcrnote tha6 Xrtiole 3212 wa8 pas-
se4 in rt3a7. 'At that sarlg datiour ado tion t3tatUt8agrovidea
.sh@.y fw, *edoption by doed”. 'ph.6 ti&f SlatUP iA 1931,
raalizins a need ror r&em, amA ous adoptton stetutca &ml
provided for e petitioA to the District Court a& further pro-
vided for a six molithstrial period before grantPri&of the
petit-ionby the Co;&.
Plsciu~ of the child in the hom of parzona, ofher
than tha’prmt or guardian of the chi1.d, for a 4+sq~orsxy trial
psr?od as provided by the edoptlon statutss, &MS not asount
to ~as:ova~ frox the state Orphans ’ iioxe as coctdr?lhtcd ia
titrti.h 3212. The institution would rat-sir: J~uLsdistLw awr
the ohild far tha 61.x iEOnth8 triel period, ar-5, if et the el;d
of this trlel period it appear8 that the child on5 the gro-
spective pcrwt&3 are suited to eeOh Other, tha State Crghene~
iiocw would, -&an the ohlld #es lagelly eEo)tsd, discharge ths
ahild completely fro;a its jurlad:otion and control.
$ Ye trust that t&r roregobg amwra you- Qquiry.
Yotaxe wry truly