Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

T/80 OFFICE OF THE AmORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ter of April 1, 1940, dspartmant upon ths OIP holden OS 781 in~ohmuahr*~tru;mm~d,buto~~ &p&m pbmt 0r 8wh ' WY b0 pPO8OAtOd t0 th8 Lmglmlatllrm fom appropMbt1oAm to bm Amam fmon vhMhmumholmSnmr7k~d. (AmmmmxulmtIAatm 19311, 42ad LOO., P. S96, oh. 242, lmme 1.)" fn ow OpioiOA b. 0-1~9, thim deputemat ruled thatAelalm 4371 ltmtutm. m Ya mb lla ltb tien prmblmmb0r0m where* ths~f~,Lm~~m~ornot~oLegLmlr~~ thm butharlt~ to ader the payment of theso oaAfedorbto ?oAmloa -t8 bUPOd w 1iaitbtiOA. Thm mlo lppllmmblmto thin mltumtlan $8 mtmtmd la 59 carpw &H.a 296 be t0llal?m: ‘Aolmlmagmlnmtmmtmtola bobmsrodbflmpmo of tlw, u by tho hl.luro to fl I l tho alelm with- th*pnmo~l~d~?;Zod;but~lopimktunr~ btlthOF&U t.hO JtbmAt Of b 03*irr AOtrlthS~ th e lb p s oo fta m, lxeopt l& eve th o1 lmltb t1 oA im qrmmtmrs by tbm a@AmtltutloA. l. .. ltimnbmlngoanmidwmdhmrm ooAfkaAtm& the Suprsd%o~o p” lhbrmmkiiri the omme et Uwutu Oountr T. state 104 M.W. 187. IA tbbt 0880 th0 OOAtOAtiOA Y88 AlbdO that b 0ibl.a bgbiWt the bt8tO h8d AOt bUA premented ritih%a the proper pe~lad of tlw bad thbt 1lmitbtiow had mm ~urmouto~it,.~Oo~ho~dttb*~~m @Pt turm had themhhorltytowlvm Umltrtlons ud mtmtmdmm follammr .... at0 8t.w d.ght wry tbbt dmw0 urd muthorimo thim l uit,mndn thlakbfltm utlaa 111 fhir OUO at hU dOW 80. vbn tht8 dbiA,Yb8 pawmaltmdtothmsqlmlmtlwm,madlmmrrtomwnm bakedfar BowthMtlroyemr8~llbdblwo&rull, r h iaYOU& h h e rf’0 umlmhed l-•uffio%mAt Omumo to tbm Lm@mlrtwe to sW%melmm~9to lw. It AO~O~thrxO88, w t&O b&lOA Of th0. 8OAbtO gFbAtOd lumhlmmvm,mndthlmwmm avml~~o?tbm&m~ af th8 8tbttIte, li awh b8~ ~oxiatod. ..,* IA llae rlth vhmt hu bean pnvlaw~ msld howla, you bra bdvlmed that tho Ceafedormte ?snSiOn Wulrrntm OYOA though thoyvoronotpnmmntodvithln tho two yowpmrimd as provided In Artlolo 4371, lrqpffl, rrsybe paid by b lo@m- latinrat6rdme*mulxhpmyamat. oureonoluriop&r%tlllm 782 XOA. Ohule~ Lomkhut, Page 3 tlm lnlhwvlth the lmgL*lmtirm lntmntioo8m lxprmmmed “T la tiale4371, muss, thattbo Lmg%mlatun ordma-thmpmymmat orthue vuvmatmovmnthoughthm wmburmdbommamoaot proseated rithln the tw m PelJod am wqulmd la eald Artlole. Ymurthldqtammtlonaumdmuhil2ovmr '(S) Li tho pmpm OS 8 Ooahdexuto Poamien WUWAt vhfah bS b0.n voided b liraLUtiOA m- qwmtm l dupllomto wmawamt to bm lmmued 18 it mead&tar7 aa the 8kto Copptrollo~Wbt8tetrumuwr toirtie muoh duplimmto, pswidedtho~e&~~~; pPix-mwat* for lmmulagdmpllmmto vmwmn Inmamver tm fom thlrdqummtlaaoav3oralngrhbthor oramtitim mundmto?ymnthm8tmtmCcrqStrollm~~to lmmuedup- limmtmnasntm 011mwh wmrrmmtmvb.lmhbmvmbomabmrredbommumo they wse sot pnmmntod tithln tho tw pm~ Pod, rout! 8ttmatloais rmllm& to Irtlelm 4365, VeHsn*m Amaotmtm6 Civil 8tmtutm8,rhioh wmdmu tollmwmt mt.4565. 3% O~trmllo*, uhma latlmflmd 8wuAtaftheolamYlthtwarxeoregoodand rruffloleat lwetlm8, pm ble'to thm Omvmrno*, to be aPP--d 'clallmr mad moudlt%onmd thattheqtp 3 e%%i3hold tie iltmtehmzwlemm mad retura ta thmOmmptawller,upeadmsw.Ibmlmgamdm umh dupUomtom mu oophm, OF thm awuat th e wto cl, ofmoam~~tbevmia, tmgethm~rith*ll domtm that PIJ maozw qplaat the 8tate aa oalleetlug mame+ After thmlmm~~fmUddrtellomt~ mr oopy if tbm 783 Eon.amrlo~x#lburt,P&go 4 rtlm our mp#an thmtitlm Wtwyoa t&e Eketo Conptrolkr8nd8tMoTa-8s8umwto immum~dupllmmtovuvmnt it the aoadltfaw pmv2ded ln krtiale 4365 hmvo km oomplied vlth. we bee* 0uPaAsverherm ~AoUr~ViiSUBaOnalUBlOa thmtmumhr VurmAt, evea thoughbewad beomwo of Aat haYlAg beOA prumoAtOa \rith%A th0 two w pO&bd, may bm pPmmeAtOd ta th e Leglmlritw r hw oeldh u eth e luthmltt to odmr t&0 lmampm%d. Notrumtthmtthmfongoingdlmmummlcor vfllbe auf- flaieattoadvlmoyauuto thmp~~pwproaodurmtbtmhould b8 -0A %A 8Wh a U80 U m pX'O8OAtr Your8 VePy txuly AzOVEDL[AY 20, 1940