Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

1.68 OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Eon. I..I..Eoberts cowty Auditor Eutchineon County Stinnett, Texas Dear Sir: as aa followe: ovidas in eub- elinquent foes that for ona year af- offloe, he may ool- at6 your queetionaaa r0iims: uld the retiring 0fri4h crolleotthe rovided for In Art,,30$8, or should his 08 eollsct'saiaeand pay over to him the i--saiddelinquent rees, or the part sf such delin- quent feesand exaess fees as till aomplete the autrtium prwlded by law? 2. Will the oificial bond of the retiring offl- oer be In force a8 to the aolleation and repotiing of these deblnqusnt fees for the one yaar after he awsma to hold T!on. I. I.. ooberta, Page e th8 O??io8? &Mole WU?, Revised Civil &tatute6, mada aa roll&: *Any officer meatloned in thl8 ChtptOr who does not oolhmt the madam IIpu)\lpt of his Shea for any siaoal yw and who reports del.inquent Scum for that yoat shall be en- tltled to rutaln, wbea oolbo~ed, ouah pm-t of euah delInqueat Soerr aa 18 SuSfIoleat to ocmplete the zmximm ocnlpeMatlonauthorlte4l by Artloles 9883 sBB5-4 and 3tB6 S0r the year ln whioh deilnqubntSe68 ‘were ,obargsd, and also retainthe unmountOS exeea6 fees author- ized by law, and the ramrlader of the delinquen$ teas for that fitoal yew shall be paid au lura- in provided for wbea oolleated; provided provlslons of this Artiole &all not app any osfloer after one year Srosr the date ooa8oa to hold the oftioe to whioh imy dal%n- quent Sea is due, and in the eveat the o?f%.est earaiklg the rees that are delinquent ham wt oollesoted the aapce witbin tmlve montl’m aft.0 be 006~88 to hold the office, the amount of Seea oolleoted ab&ll be paid into the Wunt~ trrssurg. sk0dd0a, however, that IlOt i In this Aot preoludes the paymmt & 8x-o 9s 1010 sees in aooordanoe with Tit&-&l of the Raviwd Citll Btatuka of Tone s;izdas art OS the m0xlmum oOmpematiorl. fi tit ohaage made In this ArtIole by &s ‘iii%- not apply to fess heretoion 0arnsiL~ et40iO 3897, ~Reriaea civ.oil 0tatuter, ntdr a6 ?011Ou~! Vaoh dietriot, oouaty and prO6inOf Otii- oer, at the aloes, of eaoh flsclol year(DeceiabeF 3ist) shll m&e to the amri0t OOurt Of the oounty ia whlah he resides a sworn ~tataamat In triplloate (on Soma deolgned and apprwed by the %ate Audltor) a oopp OS whloh statsareti ahall be forwarded to the state Auditor by the clerk of the dietriot oourt of eaid 00uaty wittill thirty (300)days aiterthe w14eh45 been filed in his oSSloe and one oopy.to be filed with the aoun~y audltm, if any; oihenda said copy f&all be ftled ulth the r~ll3alQntlra' oourt. said repart sh4l.l 8holoths womt OS all rem, oCs+Blsswui and ompenaationfi whatever gune& w said offfcer during the tl6oel $#ier; @ad eeoondly, ahall show the ercount of fer.,e, ocmioe$one 6nU oC.mpenootlcnseclleotedbyhlrndurfag tht Siaoal year; .thirdly, wid rcpar$ 8hall . aontalxl811 itmlwa etatamntorall few, oc8ttlusi~sui 0nd ocaummtatiow earned dorm tho rZa+bal year r'hloh were naC collected., tu4pth6r ultb the n0w a? ?ihe party cwkyr said Sew, .ocmrsiwion8 and 6wpen~8im. Bald ra,gartrballbo iiledaotl&orthqs February let tollm3.n~ tti 0108e OQ the rimal yetmenU foreaahdeyafter W&date that oclid~e~roaainanotfUed,#rlddia~ ebell he liabLstoa -tyoS I#zityfl?e (88f.00) %llaw,wbloh thtbaauntylnamait aad .in addition add to~remval freeroffloe.* Articls 3691 TaMmId civil aututw relwrr%~ to the diaposltlon OS &em FXWidW tbatt a. . . . *All curnlat foe5 4t0ma and oollscrted by offioerr nwe& in Artiole 5883 &urW any Slwal year in exoew of the xtudmm and 4~ 6~s allwed by thti Aot, end SC@their e8r- rl448 4nd for t&6 servl4eaof thslr de~utio6 and assiatan88 and authorlead expwwub, ,%a- @her wtth 411 delltn eat, Saws oolleoted r 0ndwtuwu45proviealni~ele7B98 or UStid 80 Fy ti4r%W OS de~-utiW Wt!i 445!4- tante uhen ourrent f 068 we lwufSlo~t , oha= be paid fA80 tha eot.Q&ti$'i=mtlSUry .%zlbthe ootinty whwe thew uxoesoas a6aruer "Alltees duo rod no8 oolSeated ae ehwa IntheraporZ !mq~rSa~Artlobh,~ 171 Ron. L. 7..Roberts,Page 4 be oollsotUdby the offioer to whose office the feea aoorued and shall be disppsed of by eald offloor in accordancewith the pro- visions or this Aot...." Ry virtue or the foregolug etatutes you are reapeotrullyadvised that it is the opinion of this de0 partmmt that the ofiloer whose tew of offioe ha8 ter- minated la not authorizedto oolleot delinquent fees earned by him while in offloe, but that his suooeseor in office shall oollect.suahdelinquent feee and pay them to his predeoetmor,the retiring oriiosr, provided suoh delinquentfeea are oolleotedwithin one year after the retiring ofYiaer hae gone out or ortloe and auoh retiring offioer shall be entitled to retain, when ool- leoted, suoh part of suoh delinquentfees as is suiti- oiont to ooaplete the maxl~~umocmpeusatlonauthorized by Artiolee X333, 3883-a and 5884 for the year in which dellnqueutfees were charged, aud the remainder of the delinquentfees for that rieoal year shall be paid into the oounty treasury in the oouuty where oolleoted. Auswering your rirat question a8 we have, it ie not neoeeaaryto anmver your seoond question. Trwting that the roregolng rtiiy anmers your Inquiry,we rsrealn Youra very truly OF TEXAS ATTORNEY GERRRAL w &tw-e&aub Ardell ~llllams Assietaut AW:AW