Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QCIIALD c. MANN *-.umwA Eonorahle Murphy a01 e county Auditor Liberty County Liberty, texmi Dear Bir( Te roknorledge ri receipt of pour let- ter or May est Sor m3 opinion 88 eontrlned Ln pour ccordance rith your letter of May ur request and as originally f May et& rlll lainfs charged , all oomp1aints itted at different were charged with ely ahioen theft.* tice hold the lhmninlng Trial endants at the sane time or must g trial for each ofienseT be tried mparately -- 8nd on all four offenees oharged *If all defendants waive nrsanlningtrial is the Justice entitled to a fee' the County Attorney,not present on the triai b;p am% not putting on any evibeneeV Honorable Murphy Cole, May 29, l998, Page D Article,lODO, Code of Criminal Procedure, l925, as amended by the Acts of lva3, 4Drd Legislature, Chapter 08, reach in part as Sollors~ *In each case where a County Judge or a Jus- tice tifthe Peaoe shall sit as au examining oourt iu a felony 8ase, they shall be entitled to the name fees atlowed by law for sImflar services in misdemeanor oases to Justioes of the Peace, aud ten Gents for each one hundred words for writing dom the testimony, to be paid by the gtate, not to exceed mree aud go/200 ($3.00) Dollars, for all his .menloes In rrhyone ease. w...* lDietr ioaudt County Attorneys, for attendiug and prorreeuting my felony case before an examining court, shall be entitled to a See of Tire aud no. 100 (g&00) Dollars, to be paid by the State for each ease proseauted by him before such court. Buch fee shall not be paid exaept in oases where the testimony of the material ritnesses to the trausaction shall be reduoed to writing, aubsoribed and sworn to by aaid witnesses; aud provided further that such m-l&ten testimony of all material witnesses to the trausaotion shall be delfvered to the District Clerk uuder seal, rho shall deliver the ssme to the fore- -au of the grand jury and take his receipt therefor. guoh foreman shall, on or before the adjourxment of the grand jury, return the same to the clerk rho shall reoeipt him and shall keep said testimony in the files of his office for a period of five years. sIbhefees mentioned in this Article shall be- Gone due and payable only after the indictment of the defendant for an offense based upon or growing out of the Charge filed in the ezsmining court and upon an itemized account, sworn to by the officers claiming suoh fees, approved by the Judge of the District Court, and said County or District Attorney shall present to the District Judge the testtiony transoribed in the ermnining trial, rho shall examine Ponorable Murphy Cole, Day 99, l999, Page 8 the ssme and certify that he has done so and that he finds the testimony of one or more witnesses to be materialr and provided further that a oerttiioate from the District Clerk, showing that the written testimony of the material witnesses has been riled with said District Clerk in aooordance with the preceding paragraph, shall be attached to said ac- count before such District or.County Attorney shall be entitled to a See in any felony case for seryices performed before an exsmlnlng court. @Only one fee shall be allowed to any officer mentioned herein for services rendered in an examin- ing tria$ though more .thanOne defendant is joined in the oomplaint, or a severance is had. Then de- fendants ,areproceeded against separately, who could have been proceeded against jo$ntly, but one fee shall be allowed in all cases that could have been ao joined. Eo more than one fee shall be allowed to any officer where more than one Case Is filed against the ssme defendant for offenses growing out of the same oriminal act or transaction. The account 0s the officer and the approval of the District Judge must affirmatively show that the provislons of this Article have been Complied with.* Article 999 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, l92& proridear *The accused may waive an examining trial in any bailable case and oonsent for the magistrate to require bail of him; but the prosecutor or magistrate may examine the witnesses for'the State as In other cases. Phe magistrate shall send to the proper clerk with the other proceedings ~3.n the oaae a list of the witnesses for the State, their residence and whether examined,' The above ArticrlelC#) provides that when the defen- dants are proceeded against separately, who could have been proceeded against jointly, but one fee shall be allowed In all oases that should have been so joined. While this provision places a limitation on the fees under such clroumstances, we Honorable Murphy Cole, Day ~29,1939, Page 4 I Sina no statutory prohibition against holding exmmdnlng trials separately for each defendant iueach Wime or'#Senme charged. A proper oonstruction of the statute, would be to give reoog- nitlon to the defendant8 ahhargedin more than one came, to each Crimeaor offense for which they are charged, and for each much case or offenme, aocord them a separate examining trial. 6hould the defendants offer no objection, we mee no reason why the justioe'may not hold one examining trial for all ofrenmem or separate tranmaetions for mhloh all the defendants are oharged. Porker, where five defendants are charged by separate oomplaints with the mane crfminal act or offsnme, regardless of whether or not mn exaslning trial is held for each, the mtatute limits the justloe to only one.exsminiag trial fee for the of- fense or erlminal sot committed jointly by all. Xt has long been the policy of the state to allow only one much examining trial See In much cases. In all cases that could have been mo joined, the mtatute only authoriees one exsminlng trial fee. 2% answer to your first question, It is the optimion of this department that the justice may hold one examining trial of five defenlknts charged with the same oSfense or orlmlnal act. Xhere the Sive~defendants are by three addi- tional complaints charged with three other offenses, of the mane nature but different transactions, sn exsmlning trial on each complaint should be accorded all the defendants. It I.8 not mandatory that each defendant be given an examining trial meparate from the other defendants so charged, all beiag in' oumtody. Pour attention Is direoted to the provisions of Article 1020, supra, which provides the Sees to which a fuetice of the peace shall be entitled In each case Where a fustioe OS the ueace shall sit as an exsr&i%F court in a felony Cake. Article 290, supra, authorimes the justices to proceed with mn exsminlng trial eren though the defendant8 waive mate. Porch . State, 51 Cr. Rep. 7, DQ S. X. ll24. Xhe fact that the oounty attorney was not present on the trial day and did not put on any evidence would not necessarily prevent the justice of the peace from examining the witnesses or holding an examin- ing trial under the provisions of the statutes set forth here- in. Such fact question is authorized to be passed upon by the District Court when the acoount of the justiae for his See is presented for approval. - - Honorable Murphy Oole, May 29, lS3SBIpage 5 In answer to your meoond question, therefore, it is the opinion of this department that where all defendants waive exemlning trial for the mmme oiiense or criminal act charged, the justice being authorieed to proceed, must aomply with the provisions of Article ~8, Code of Criminal Prooedure, se& before being entitled to a See for holding an exmninlng trial. Trusting the above mnmwerm your requests, we remain Xours very truly ATTORTEX GRTERAL OF TlUAS W.lllmn J. 8. .P;ing Amsietmnt (APPROVED APPROYJRII (Opinion Committee (By EQB, Chainnau. (Signed) Qerald 40 Mann ATTOItHEXGMERAL OF TEXAS