Mr. f. L. Maasi*
on the above
thlrr otiloe.
rollar’r ottioe
ln lx o o a a o f
r io er sth e no i
o n.4 in y o urlettn, do er
p p r emlunleon nmty b o nds
re Artfuls 024 9prorides
axablevaluation of Thlrt;y
lam or aore ahall pay a rea-
ation B of Artlol~SE?99reada, in part, aa
l(b) &oh ottloer pame&in thtaAct,
where he reosfml a salary 88 eoqensation
ror hla rorvlooe, 8hall bei ungc$wod dl per-
mittohto purchaseandhave0 rged to hits
oounty all reasonable expense8 neoeasary in
YLr.T. L. Ya8~lm, Tebwrp 15, 1959, Page g
the roper~8 legal00nduot OS his 0rri00,
Or-Ju08 on orrf6iaa~ bondr, promfur oa
-Sire, burglary, th.?t,robborylzwraaoe
proteotlng pub110 funds an4 lnoluhing the
root of auroty bondr for his Deputler, auoh
lx p a !l8es
to b e r 88d o li;
p r e4 0~r mln.d
a nda llwedinc nd a nda mo unta a 6
,nea r ly
aa posmibls, by the Comlsrloners' Oourt onao
oaoh month for the month trponthe
a&laatlon by eaoh ofiloor, atacing the
, probably amount of l p endltur an13otha
neoeaa ty iOr the mxlmuse~ Of hi8 Oftlo@
ior maoh on6ulng Panth whioh applloatlon
ahall, before4 present&ion to 8ald oourt,
ilrat bo oxdoreod by the County Auditor,
if my, ,othenriaethe County Troaburer,
only aa to whether l'undsare available ror
paymnt of nuoh apansso. The Uormnlssloner~~
cotartor the oounty of tho SherlfSta resl-
0 up othen wr itten
a nd
a wo rlpnp ll-
aatlon OS the Sherlti etatAng the neaoeelty
thworor purobasa equipment for a bumau or
&mlnal ldsntlflaatlon, ruoh as oamraa,
finger print eardr, inks, ahaioala, aloro-
loopes, radio and laboratory lqulpment, ill-
lng oard6, riling oablneta tear &as tid other
lqulpmant in keeplug with iha'ryrtem in use
by the Department oi pub110 Arty oi thlr
%uoh purohaees ahall k made by maoh
orfloer, rhen allowed, only by requisition
in manner rorided by the Oounty Aualfor,
ii any, ot iiend6e by the Comniasionerot
court. Eaoh officer shall, at the olose of
eadh month of hlr toaura of otfloe araka
an ltcqnlaodan& wornreport of-ad qprovmd
srpenas~ inourred by him an4 obargsd to hllr
oounty, aooompanylng suoh report with ln-
volos~ soverlne ruoh purahaees ana requlrl-
tione lseued by him in aupport of 8uoh M-
port. If ruoh lxpenssr be lnourred tn eon-
neotlon with any partloular 0888, 8uoh rapti
Mr. F, L. Massle, Zkbruary 15, 1939, XW6e S
shallnamssuahsase, 8uoh rsport, lnmloe~
ma nqul8ltlon8 shall be subject to the lu4 lt
Ofth eCountyAudito rit ,m y ,Oth a r uf8eb y
the Osnmlsslsners~ Oourt,and if it appears
thatanyitammsnotino.umd bymoh otil-
ler or that suoh item was not a aooo~nry
isgal expense0s suoh 0rfi0e or 0hU.b
&en roper nqulrltlnn suahliun alhe
by s&l aoknty Auditor ir umrt rejeotoa in
whlohoaae the payment of mwhltemneq k
~&u4t4pted in any onurt 0s oosptent jurls-
All suoh approrsd olalms and lesounts
shall bz pala from the Offlosrs~ salary Fun&
unlers otherwfw prwlded herela.a
Artlole SSQQ applies to all sounty otiiolals
named in Artlole 3883. The tar aswssor-oolleotor 18
fnolubed in this artlole.
xn view 0s the rorefoizf authorities,
napeotnllly advised that it a t 0 6pInlollor t
partment thst the premiums on orfiolal~bonas or the tax
lsnssor-aolleotor ahall be paid by the o.ount out of
the Offloers* salary Ybncland that the State 9 B not lla-
ble for the aymsnt of the pramfuns on any bon&s whatso-
ever or ooune y oftiolals.
Trusting that the rolrg0ing uuwws your in-
wry, wa r.maiJJ