Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

,,:. ..~ ~,. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS .“’ - AUSTIN February 11, lQS9 i jt;. Honorable A. P. Allleon, Frbmam ll, 1930, pew #% ~BtJFOblO AL.P. Allf.OB, February 11, 11)119, pa@ #3 the bplnion 0:’this depaztaent that Axtiala 111~10, Title 88, Retlead Clofl Ytatutae of Taxaa, doam not apply ta the City of K@rvIlla, and that Itm ?aIlurm.tm adop$ m, am ~rovlded in Seotlon 3 theram?, wiiu.not In -$a IXStriCt thC IX38 Of the WtO.8. revanuem ILOW produmgd by it8 Msnomribered wa ter lymtm& With rs%axd to thb utiola, you wIl1 note that thm lamt ssntanoa of 3aotIon 1 mtalies that .aI& &t -al BOt Apple to muLioIpall~-o~ad anterprimam, the iawrm '?*a~ uhlah ham hmreto?orebeen pledged to mmoure the pay- aant of bonds or other indabtsdnem.. The usm of tha ~0x4 *herrto?ore~refarm to any period of tIma prior to the a??aotIVa date of the Aot, that i6, 1934.. The rmmafnim6 pr0iimlonm of Seation 1 than mufithave applloation~toaa Inoumbrmnooplaoad on muah a aptam rMlr .snaafter that data, and wa furthar~lntwpret it to oovar only citler. having 12,410 Inhabltantmor 3emm according to the lamt prmkllng Federal oomus, and ordy such critiamID that elamm am own both a uatervwka mgmtem ad a lip$ht armtar. In the avant a oity dmmirmm te purohame or aoquire a 11&t or vater system and plans to imme bonds for that purpome, plod&g the m~vanua~ o? muoh mymtmm to meoure emtao, aad at the mane time cm118 onm or the other of auoh mpmtem8, It I. 0b.xopinion that before the exoamm~ ~evmnue8of maid mystaa ooula b. umed for anp purposeother than the.rotIrm- mat o? that debt, the provlmionm o? thin &!t .mmt bm adoptd, Vader any otbar ofrouWtmMm it im OUS WiniOn that the &t lm inmpplloableand it8 hioptIOn Or ZajeOtbs 1 m~musttmr for the dlsorbtIon Of thm yrnlng boay and ?Ied mleotorm or R 'ait?oomIn8 with n the wpulation bxwk@* eetablimhedby thim Act* vary truly your. ATToRNXP~SXU'.ALOF TGXA3 C%C-8 AFPRmr B z%wiAJv A’f’?ORREY 0SlGRA.L OF TS%ti%