An unpub|ishelld order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. INTHE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA IN THE MATTER oF THE NO. 62392 GUARDIANSHIP oF THE PERsoN AND ESTATE oF; oTTo D. CoRSINI, _ AN ADULT WARD, § gm § SHIRLEY WODICKA, _]UN 1 g 2013 Appellant, vs. KATHLEEN BUCHANAN, Respondent. ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL Appellant’s motion to voluntarily dismiss this appeal is granted, with the parties to bear their own costs and fees. NRAP 42&)). Accordingly, We ORDER this appeal DISMISSED. j ,J. de sty l arraguirre , J. Cherry cc: Hon. Charles J. Hoskin, District Judge, Family Court Division LaWyersWest, Inc. Lee A. Drizin, Chtd. Eighth District Court Clerk SuPREME CouRT oF NEvAoA <0) 1947/x
in Re: Guardianship of Corsini
Combined Opinion