Jackson v. National Default Servicing Corp.

An unpub|ish%d order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123 IN THE SUPREME C()URT ()F THE STATE ()F NEVADA JENNIFER JACKSON, No. 62253 Appellant, VS. F §_ § NATIONAL DEFAULT SERVICING C()RPORATION; OCWEN L()AN MAY Z'[] 2[]'|3 SERVICING; AND MERS-BEST RATE TRAC|E K UNDEMAN FUND C()RP_, cLE `P EcouR‘r Respondents. " Q'E ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL The parties have filed a stipulation seeking to dismiss this appeal. Having reviewed the stipulation, we approve it. As provided in the stipulation, each party shall bear their own costs and f`ees. NRAP 42(b). Accordingly, we ORDER this appeal DISMISSED. 1 , C.J. ccc Hon. Kathleen E. De1aney, District Judge Benjamin B. Childs Tif`f`any & Bosco, P. A. Houser & Allison, APC Eighth District Court Clerk 1In light of` this order, we disapprove as moot the parties’ April 10, 2013, stipulation for an extension of` time to file the opening brief`. SuPREME CouRT oF NEvAnA <0) 1947A )b~/#HQ;