An unpub|ish¢‘ld order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. lN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA osvALDo LoPEz, NO. @2335 Appellant, NEVADA DEPARTl\/.[ENT OF F § L E §ORRECTIONS, APR 2 9 2013 espondent. TRAC|E K. L|NDEMAN CLE PR E OURT DEPUTY CLERK ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL This is a proper person appeal from a district court order dismissing an appeal from the justice court. Our review of the documents submitted to this court pursuant to NRAP 3(§) reveals a jurisdictional defect. Specifically, district courts have final appellate jurisdiction over cases arising in the justice courts. Nev. Const. art. 6, § 6; see also Wczugh v. Cczsazza, 85 Nev. 520, 521, 458 P.Zd 359, 360 (1969). Accordingly, we conclude that we lack jurisdiction over this appeal, and we ORDER this appeal DlSl\/HSSED. ibbons D»fz/; § ij ‘@g;§l;n,.]_ Douglas ' l Saitta cc: Hon. James Todd Russell, District Judge Osvaldo Lopez Attorney General/Carson City Carson City Clerk SuPREME Coum oF NEvAnA (O) 1947A