An unpub|ishelld order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SuPREME CouRT oF NEvADA CLERK’S ORDER _ roy-1941 IN THE SUPREME~CMJOURT THE STATE OF NEVADA JAMES EDWARD BALLOW, No. 62665 Appellant, ' ' VS. DORIS BALLOW, , § g L E Respondent. l ' MAR 2 2 2013 TRAC|E K. L|NDEMAN CLER R1' B¥ ' s EPUTY CLERK ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL On February 22, 2013, this appeal was docketed in this court without payment of the requisite filing fee. On that same day, this court issued a notice directing appellant to pay the filing fee within ten days or this appeal would be dismissed. To date, appellant has not paid the filing fee or otherwise responded to this court’s notice. Accordingly, cause appearing, this appeal is dismissed. it is so oRDERED. CLERK oF THE SUPREME CoURT TRACIE K. LINDEMAN BY: §MIQL|"A a Ml.§§l§._. cc: Hon. William B. Gonzalez, District Judge,aFamily Court Division J ames Edward Ballow Willardson Law Group Eighth District Court Clerk l@-DSGZ)§ nn