An unpub|ishelh order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. SuPnEME CounT 0F NEvAr)A CLERK’S ORDER <0>~:947 IN THE SUPREME COURT ()F THE STATE OF NEVADA FRED 0. DAWs<)N, AN INI)IVIDUAL, N@. @35@0 Appellant, VS. TEsT EQUIPMENT CC)RP<)RATI<)N, A F § L § CALIF<)RNIA CQRP<)RATI<)N, R@Spondent. OCT 15 2013 TRA lE K. l_lNDEMAN ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL The parties’ September 30, 2013, stipulation to dismiss this appeal, with the parties to bear their own costs and fees, is appr0ved. NRAP 42(10). Accordingly, we ()RDER this appeal DISMISSED. ‘ CLERK 0F THE SUPREME CQURT TRACIE K. LINDEMAN cc: Hon. Elliott A. Sattler, II, District Judge Aaron & Paternoster, Ltd. Scarpello & Huss, Ltd. Wash0e District Court Clerk l?~§m?‘r