NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit FLEX]TEEK AMERICAS, INC. and FLEXITEEK INTERNATIONAL AS, Plain,tiffs-Appellees, V. PLASTEAK, INC. and PLASDECK, INC., Defendants-Appellan,ts, and ANDRE BATISTA, Defendant. 2010-1256 Appea1 from the United States DiStrict C0urt for the S0uthern District of F10rida in case n0. 08-CV-60996, Judge J ames I. C0hn. ON MOTION ORDER FLEXITEEK AMERICAS V. PLASTEAK INC 2 Upon consideration of PlasTEAK, Inc. and PlasDECK, Inc.’s motion for an extension of time to file the joint appendix,* IT ls 0RDERED THAT: (1) The motion is granted to the extent that the due date for the filing of the joint appendix is stayed, pending this court’s determination of the effect of the district court's Ju1y 20, 2010 order. (2) The appellants and appellees are directed to re- spond, within 21 days of the date of filing of this order, concerning whether this appeal should be dismissed as moot in view of the district court's Ju1y 20, 2010 order. Each response should not exceed 20 pages FoR THE CoURT 2 0 2010 lsi Jan Horbaly Date J an H0rbaly Clerk n 601 S- TraCy L011s, ESq- u.s. comm o'i§.P=rALsFoR Bruce H. Wilson, Esq. T"'E FEDERAL C'RC"" s19 AUG 2 0 2010 " The appellants attach the July 20, 2010 order of the district court and ask this court to "assess the order of the trial court, and decide whether the instant appeal may now be moot." In the present motion, the appellants have not sufficiently developed their arguments whether the appeal is moot or whether, inter alia, the trial court had jurisdiction to enter the July 20 order while the injunction was on appeal to this court. .lAN HORBALY