In Re Verizon Business Network Services Inc.

NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals fo1'the Federal Circuit IN RE VERIZON BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICES INC., VERIZON ENTERPRISE DELIVERY LLC, VERIZ()N SERVICES CORP., AT&T CORP., QWEST COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION, AND QVVEST CORPORATI()N, Petrfti0ner3. MiSceIlaneouS Docket No. 956 011 Petition for Writ of MandaniuS to the United Statee DiStrict Court for the EaStern District of Texae in case n0_ 08-CV-U215, Judge T. John VVz1rd. ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS ORDER Verizo11 BuSineSe Network Servicee lnc. et al (Veri- 2on) submit a petition for et writ of rr1andan1u5 to direct the United St21teS DiStrict Court for the Eaetern DiStrict of TeXaS to vacate its March 23, 2010 and Augus5t 3, 2010 ord0rS, and to direct tr21nefe1' to the United Dietriet Court for the Northorn Diet;rict of TeXas, _De11aS Divieion. IN RE VERIZON BUSINESS 2 Up0n consideration thereof, IT ls ORDERE1;) THAT: Red River Fiber Optic C0rp0rati0n is directed to re- spond no later than September 10, 2010. FOR THE COURT 2 /s/ Jan H0rba1y CC. Date Jan Horbaly 3 |=|Lgp u c0uR'r0 ms ron clerk - rue-FEoElfAfpdRcun Bryant C. B0ren, Jr., Esq. 2 6 2010 Brian D. R0che, Esq. AUG Geoffrey P. Eat0n, Esq. D0ug1as A. Cawley, Esq. 'lANc|'ll_g§EAL¥ C1erk, United States District C0urt F0r The Eastern District Of Texas S