NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Cou1't of Appeals for the 'FederaI Circuit CAROL V. MAY, Petitioner, V. l MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD, Respondent, and DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Interven0r. 2010-3085 Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in case no. PH0752080505-I-1. ON MOTION ORDER The Depart1nent of Veterans Affairs moves for a 14- day extension of ti1ne, until September 30, 2010, to file its brief MAY v. MSPB 2 Upon consideration thereof, IT IS ORDERED THAT! The motion is granted No further extensions should be anticipated. FoR THE COURT 2 1 /s/ Jan Horba1y Date J an Horbaly C1erk ` cc; Dennis L. Friedman, Esq. Jeffrey A. Gauger, Esq. Jane W. Vanneman, Esq. 521 u.s. c0uRi=i)IFEPPzALs ron 11-us FEoERAL macon SEP 21 2010 JAN HORBA1Y CLERK
May v. Merit Systems Protection Board
Combined Opinion