?o,,__-.-.._~1 NOTE: This order is 110nprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit IN RE MORGAN STANLEY, MORGAN STANLEY & CO. INCORPORATED, JP MORGAN CHASE & CO., J.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, INC., J.P. MORGAN CLEARING CORP., THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON CORPORATION, CREDIT SUISSE HOLDINGS (USA), INC., CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC, THE GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP, INC., GOLDMAN SACHS & CO., GOLDMAN SACHS EXECUTION & CLEARING LP, SWS GROUP, INC., AND SOUTI'IWEST SECURITIES, INC., Petiti0ners. MiSce1laneous Docket N0. 962 On Petiti0n for Writ of MandamuS to the United States District C0urt for the Eastern District of Texas in case no. 09-CV-0326, Judge Le0nard Davis. ON PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS ORDER IN RE MORGAN STANLEY 2 Morgan Stanley et a1. submit a petition for a writ of mandamus to direct the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas to vacate its orders denying transfer and to direct transfer to the United States Dis- trict Court for the Southern District of New York. Upon consideration thereof, IT ls OR:oERED THAT: Rea1tiIne Data, LLC is directed to respond no later than N0ve1nber 1O, 2010. FoR THE CoURT 2 5 /s/ J an H0rbaly Date Jan Horba1y l C1erk ccc Danie1A. DeVito, Esq. Dirk D. Thomas, Esq. C1erk, United States District Court For The Eastern District Of Texas s19 PEALS FOR L CIRCUiT 0CT 25 2010 .|AN HORBAL¥ CLERK S= §§ Y-.»., §§
In Re Stanley
Combined Opinion