NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit IN RE ACER AMERICA CORPORATION, CYBERLINK.COM CORPORATION, GATEWAY, INC., APPLE, INC., ASUS COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL, DELL INC., MICROSOFT CORPORATION, NERO AG, NERO, INC., SONIC SOLUTIONS, SONY CORPORATION, AND SONY ELEC'I‘RONICS, INC., Petitioners. Misce11aneous Docket N0. 942 On Petition for Writ of MandamuS to the United States District Court for the Eastern DiStrict of TeXas in consolidated case n0s. 08-CV-O369 and 07-CV-0376, Magistrate Judge Char1es Everingham IV. ON MOTION ORDER Up0n consideration of Sony Corporation and Sony E1eotronics Inc.’s unopposed motion to withdraw Richard S. GresalH as counse1, 2 IT ls 0RDEREI) THAT: The motion is granted Sony should promptly desig- nate one of its counsel as principal counsel in this pro- ceeding. CC FOR THE COUR'r NOV 1 8 2010 lsi J an Horba1y Date J an Horba1y Clerk Joshua M. Masur, Esq. l Elaine Y. Chow, Esq. U.S. 00URl:£;FA§EP£ALS FOR l\/lark C. Scarsi, Esq. THE FEDE '“ 'RCU'T Scott F. Partridge, Esq. 1 Ge0rge F. Pappas, Esq. ` lI\z/l. Craig Tyler, Esq. ma H0RBA|.¥ 0der1ck M. Th0mpson, Esq. clam LeWis V. Popovski, Esq. 1 Byron W. Cooper, Esq. C1erk, United States District Court for the Eastern District Of TeXas s19