NOTE: This order is n0nprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1243 (Reexaminaci0n No. 90/006,676) ” Appeal from the United States Patent and `Tradema1‘k Office, B0ard of Patent Appea1S and Interferences. IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1254 (Reexaminati0n N0s. 90/O06,494, 90/()(}6,68l, and 90/0O7,726) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Tradema1'k Off1ce, B0a1'd of Pate11t Appeals and Interfe1'ences. IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1263 IN RE NTP 2 (Reexaminati0n N0S. 90/0O6,491, 90/006,678, 90/0O7,723) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, B0ard of Patent Appea1s and Interferences. IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1274 (ReeXaminati0n N0s. 90/006,533, 90/006,675, and 90/007,731) _ AppeaI from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, B0a1'd of Patent Appea1s and lnterfe1'ences. IN RE NTP, INC. 20 1()- 1275 (ReeXaminati0n N0. 90/0(}6,6'77) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Trade1nark Office, B0ard of Patent Appea1S and InterferenceS. IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1276 (ReeXaminati0n NOS. 9Of006,492 and 90/006,67,9)_ 3 IN RE NTP Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1277 (Reexamination Nos. 90/006,495 and 95/000,02()) Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. IN RE NTP, INC. 2010-1278 (Reexamination Nos. 90/006,493, 90/0G6,680, 90/()O7,735) Appeal from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences. ON MOTION ORDER The appellant submits a letter indicating certain con- cessions or withdrawals of record in these cases pnm lN RE NTP 4 Upon consideration thereof, lT IS ORDERED THATZ The letters and a copy of this order shall be transmit- ted to the merits panel along with the briefs. FoR THE CoURT DEC 92 wu /S/ Jan H@rba1y Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Brian M. Buroker, Esq. § - _ Raym0nd T. Chen, Esq. U.S. O0UR'P3l'§PPl`ALS F`OR S8 THE FEDERAL C|RCU|T uec 02 tom JAN HORBALV " CLERK 54 .