Synqor, Inc. v. Artesyn Technologies, Inc.

NOTE: ThiS order is n0nprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit SYNQOR, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, V- ARTESYN TE CHNOLOGIES, INC. AND ASTEC AMERICA, INC., Defendants-Appellants, AND BEL FUSE, INC., Defendan.t-Appellant, AND CHEROKEE INTERNATIONAL CORP. AND LINEAGE POWER CORP., Defendants-AppeIlants, AND DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC., DELTA PRODUCTS CORP., MURATA ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA, INC., MURATA MANUFACTURING CO. LTD., MURATA POWER SOLUTIONS, INC., AND POWER-ONE, INC., Defen,dan,ts-Appellants. 2011-1191, -1192, -1193, -1194 SYNQOR V. ARTESYN TECH 2 Appeals from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of TeXas in case no. 07-CV-0497, Judge T. John Ward. ON MOTION Before LINN, C'ircuit Judge. 0 R B E R Bel Fuse submits a motion for a stay, pending appeal, of the injunction entered by the United States DiStrict Court for the Eastern District of Texas. Upon consideration thereof IT ls OR1)ERED THAT: ~ SynQor, Inc. is directed to respond no later than Feb- ruary 7, 2011. The injunction is temporarily stayed to the extent that it applies to products specified on page 13 of Bel Fuse’s motion that Bel Fuse asserts are sold to Cisco SyStems, Inc., pending this court's consideration of the papers submitted FoR THE CoURT 0 1 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Donald R. Dunner, Esq. r||_£p Constantine L. Trela, Jr., Esq. us-'rHE FED€§`NL c'iEA"sRcu"-mn Steven Nelson Williams, Esq. _ Avin P. Sharma, Esq. _ Michael J. NeWton, Esq. Alan D. Smith, Esq. _MN}iDRBA[_Y Earl Glenn Thames, Jr., Esq. CLm( 3 Eric W. Benisek, Esq. William F. Lee, Esq. s19 SYNQOR V. ARTESYN TECH