Calico Brand, Inc. v. Ameritek Imports, Inc.

NOTE: This order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit CALICO BRAND, INC. AND HONSON MARKETING GROUP, INC., Plaintiffs-Appellants, V. AMERITEK IMPORTS, INC., Defendant-Cr0ss Appellan.t, and ACME INTERNATIONAL ENTERPRISES, INC., Defendant-Cr0ss Appellant. 2008-1324, -1325, -1341 Appea1s from the United StateS DiSt1'ict Court for the Central Dist1'ict of Ca1ifornia in case n0. 05-CV-205, Magistrate Judge Patrick J. Wa1sh. ON MOTION ORDER Ca1ico Brand, Inc. and H0ns0n Marketing Group, Inc. (Calico) move to lift the stay of proceedings and set a briefing schedule with respect to its claims against Ac1ne CALICO BRAND V. AMERITEK lMPORTS 2 International EnterpriSes, Inc. Acme responds and "takeS no position" on the n1otion. These appeals were stayed pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 362 upon the filing of Ameritek Imports, Inc.’s bankruptcy petition Calico asserts that the appeals with respect to Acme should proceed. The court notes that it has not received a recent status report from Ameritek regarding the status of the bankruptcy proceedings following the status report received on September 28, 2010. A status report was due in December of 2010. lt appears from a review of the bankruptcy court docket that proceedings before that court may be completed According1y, ' IT IS OR1)ERE1) THA'1‘: (1) Ameritek is directed to file a status report in 2008-1324, -1325 within §4 days concerning the status of the bankruptcy proceeding. If this court does not receive a status report, Arneritek's cross-appeal, 2008-1325, will be dismissed, the stay of the briefing schedule will be lifted, Calico's opening brief will be due within 60 days of the date of filing of this order, and 2008-1324, -1341 will proceed. (2) The motion is denied without prejudice to re- newal. FoR THE CoURT FEB 94 2911 /S/ Jan H01~ba1y Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: R. Joseph Trojan, Esq. Carl H. Pierce., Esq. F||_£D Edward F. 0 Connor, Esq. ok 88 FEa 04 2011 lANHDRBALY 011-JIi