NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit LEM.ANS CORPORATION, Plaintiff-Appellan,t, V. UNITED STATES, Defendcmt-Appellee. 2010-1295 Appea1 horn the United StateS Cou1’t of International Trade in case no. 06-CV-(}038, Judge Judith M. Barzi1ay. ON MOTION ORDER The United States moves for a 40-day extension of time, unti1_November 3O, 201(}, to file its brief Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: ' The motion is granted No further extensions should be anticipated LEMANS CORP V. US CC. S 2 FOR THE COURT 997 2 9 mm 131 iran H0rba1y Date J an H0rba1y ThomaS J. O’Donne11, Esq. A1exander Vanderweide, Esq. Clerk C ab §§ §§-§ El?PEALS FOR L`C|RCU|T 0CTe2 0 2010 .IAN HORBALY ClERK