Juniper Networks, Inc. v. Shipley

NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit JUNIPER NETWORKS, INC., Plain,tiff-Appellant, V. PETER M. SHIPLEY, Defen,dant-Appellee. 2010-1327 Appea1 from the United States District C0urt for the N0rthern District of Calif01'nia in case n0. 09-0696, Judge Saundra. Br0Wn A1‘mstr0ng. ON MOTION Bef01'e LOURIE, Circuit Ju,dge. 0 R D E R Juniper NetW0rkS, Inc. moves that this C0urt take ju- dicial notice 0f the "existence and c0ntent" of Peter M. Ship1ey’s WebSite archived on February 15, 2004 at the "Inte1'net ArchiVe," . Shipley 0pp0ses. Juniper replies J`UNIPER NETWORKS V. SHIPLEY 2 J udicial notice is proper only with respect to facts that are not subject to reasonable dispute in that they are either generally known or capable of accurate and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned. Fed. R. Evid. 201 l\/Ioreover, it is not uncommon for courts to take judicial notice of factual information found on Internet websites. See, e.g., O'To0le u. Northrop Grumrnan Corp., 499 F.3d 1218 (10th Cir. 2007). However, the archived website in question was not offered to the district court, and that court was consequently not able to make a determination as to its relevance and weight or its contextual significance. lf Juniper wished to rely on that evidence, it should have submitted the evidence as part of the record in the district court. Furthermore, because Juniper makes an argument concerning the complete archived website of which it moves that judicial notice be taken, and because it cites that archived website in its brief, the court determines that Juniper must file a new opening brief that does not discuss or cite the complete archived wehsite. Accordingly, IT ls ORDERED THAT: (1) The motion is denied. (2) Juniper's previously filed brief is rejected. Juni- per is directed to file a corrected opening brief within 21 days of the date of filing of this order that excludes refer- ence to the archived website. A copy of this order shall be transmitted to the merits panel assigned to hear this case. 3 JUNlPER NETWORKS V. SHIPLEY FOR THE COURT 1 0 fsi Jan Horbaly Date J an Horbaly ccc Jonathan S. Kagan, Esq. Cole M. Fauver, Esq. Clerk l E "saesi2ti%es:°“ SEP 10 2919 .|AN HORBAi.Y CLERK