NOTE: This order is nonprecedentia|. United States Court of Appea|s for the Federa| Circuit 2009-3126 CARLOS A. RA|V|OS, Petitioner, v. \VlERiT SYSTEMS PROTECT1ON BOARD, Respondent, and DEPART|V|ENT OF HO|V|EL/-\ND SECUR|TY, intervenor Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in DA0752080539-|-1. ON N|OT|ON Before PROST, Circuit Judge. 0 R D E R The Merit Systems Protection Board moves for a 14-day extension of time, until August 26, 2009, to tile its brief. Upon consideration thereof, |T 18 ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted. Car|os A. Ramos shou|d calculate the due date for his reply brief from the date of filing of the Board’s brief l-\UG 1 4 2000 FOR THE COU RT j/sf Jan Horba|y Date Jan Horbaly ccc Car!os A_ Ramos Stacey K. Grigsby, Esq. Jeffrey A. Gauger, Esq. 317 2009~3126 C|erk FII.E u.s. count APpEA THE FEo?i§AL ciRci1SiTF°R AUG 1 4 2009 mm HuRBALY cLERK