Cornell D.M. Judge Cornish v. Kappos

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit CORNELL D.M. JUDGE CORNISH, Plaintiff-Appellant, “ v. DAVID J. KAPPOS, UNDER SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR IN'I‘ELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND DIRECTOR OF THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, HARRY I. MOATZ, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF ENROLLMENT AND DISCIPLINE, AND VVILLIAM J. GRIFFIN, STAFF ATTORNEY, OFFICE OF ENROLLMENT AND DISCIPLINE, Defendants-Appellees. 2010-1433 Appea1 from the United States District Court for the District of Co1un1bia in case no. 07-CV-1719, Judge Rich- ard W. R»0bertS. ON MOTION ORDER CORNISH V. KAPPOS 2 Upon consideration of Cornell D.M. Judge Cornish’S motions for extensions of tin1e, until Apri1 4, 2011, to file his corrected reply brief lT lS ORDERED THATZ The motion is granted FoR THE CoURT MAR 1 8 2011 131 Jan H0rba1;,; Date J an H0rbaly Clerk ccc Cornell D.M. Judge Cornish Raymond T. Chen, Esq. S 21 U.S. COU THE F ="5‘53-3 ze- §§ §§ LS F€R U|T MAR 1 8 2011 .lAl|'|9RBAlY