Astrazeneca Pharmaceuticals Lp v. Apotex Corp.

NOTE: ThiS order is n0nprecedentia1. United States Court of A11peaIs for the Federal Circuit ASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS LP, ASTRAZENECA AB, IPR PHARMACEUTICALS INC., AND THE BRIGHAM AND WOMEN’S HOSPITAL, INC., ' Plain,tiffs-Appellants, - V. APOTEX CORP., Defen,dan.t-Appellee, and AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED, Defendant-Appellee, and COBALT PHARM_ACEUTICALS INC. AND COBALT LABORATORIES INC., Defendcmts-AppeZlees, and GLENMARK GENERICS INC. USA, Defend0:n,t-Appellee, and MYLAN PHARMACEUTICALS INC., Defen,dan,t-Appellee, and PAR PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., ASTRAZENECA PHARMA V. APOTEX CORP 2 Defendant-Appellee, and SUN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES, LTD., Defen,danz-Appellee, and TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA, INC., Defen,dant-Appellee, and _ TORRENT PHARMA INC. AND TORRENT PHARM.ACEUTICALS LTD., Defendants. 2011-1132,»1133,-1184,-1185,-11s6,-1137,-11ss,-11s9, ' -1190 Appea1s from the United States District Court for the District of De1aWare in case nos. 10-CV-0338, 10-CV-O339, 10-CV-0340, 10-CV-0341, 10-CV-0342, 10-CV-O343, 10- CV-()345, 10-CV-0346, and 10-CV-0584, Judge Robert B. Kug1er. - ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of the unopposed motions to re- form the official caption, IT ls 0RDERED THAT: The motions are granted The revised official caption is reflected above. 3 AsTRAzENEcA PHARMA v. APoTEx coRP FoR THE CoURT HAR 1 8 2011 CC. S Date Mary W. Bourke, Esq. R0bert B. Breisblatt, Esq Edward J. Pardon, Esq. Steven A. 1\/Iaddox, Esq. H. Keeto SabharWa1, Esq Wil1iam A. Rakoczy, Esq. Dutch Chung, Esq. James F. Hurst, Esq. Jeffry M. Nichols, Esq. Francis J. Murphy, Jr., E sq. /s/ J an Horbaly J an Horba1y C1erk I|.ED '*,.e2z§€a.s'ee:“ NAR 1 BZU11 1ANH9RBALY CLEHi