The Ohio Willow Wood Co. v. Thermo-Ply, Inc.

NOTE: This order is n0np1'ecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit THE OHIO W'ILLOW WOOD COMPANY, Plain,tiff/C0unterclaim Defendan.t-Appellcmt, V. THERMO-PLY, INC., 4 Defen,dant/C'ounterclaimant-Cross Appellant, AND COASTAL LINERS, LLC, Coun,terclairncmt-Appellee. " 2010-1119, -1269 Appea1s from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in case no. 07-CV-0274, Judge Ron C1ark. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of Thern1o-P1y, Inc.’s unopposed motion for an extension of time, until Apri1 22, 2011, to file its brief IT ls 0RDERED THAT: OHIO WILLOW V. THERMO-PLY The motion is granted 2 FOR THE COURT §ER 1 3 lsi Jan Horba1y Date J an Horba1y cc: Richard E. Fee, Esq. Jeffrey S. StandIey, Esq. C1erk 823 ‘ men U.S. CDURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CiRCU!T APR 19 2011 JAllHDRBA|.Y ` C|.EHi