NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit IN RE CRAIG M. SAUNDERS, LINDSEY TUFTS, JR., AND DAVID J.-BOLL 2010-1529 (Seria1 N0. 10!858,224) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Trade1nark Office, Board of Patent Appea1s and Interferenees. ON MOTION ORDER The Director of the United States Patent and Trade- mark Off1ce moves for a 14-day extension of tin1e, until June 6, 2011, to file his brief. Upon consideration thereof I'1‘ ls ORDERED THA'1‘: The motion is granted No further extensions should be anticipated IN RE SAUNDERS FoR THE COURT 1 /s/ Jan Horbal§[ Date cc: A1an S. Kellman, Esq. Raymond T. Chen, Esq. s21 J an Horba1y C1erk FILED I.S. COUR`I' 0F APPEALS FU'R THE FEDERAL ClRCUlT NAY;1 9 2011 .W|l'|9RBALY C|.E!l(
In Re Saunders
Combined Opinion