Viskase Companies v. World Pac International

NOTE: ThiS order is n0nprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit VISKASE COMPANIES, INC., Plaintt`ff-Appellee, ~ V. WORLD PAC INTERNATIONAL AG, WORLD PAC INTERNATIONAL USA, AND SUN PRODUCTS MARKETING UND MANUFACTURING AG, Defen,dants-Appellants. _ 2011-1256 Appea1 from the United States District Court for the Northern DiStrict of Il1inoiS in case no. 09-CV-5022, Judge E1aine E. Buck1o. ON MOTION ORDER World Pac lnternational AG, et aI., move without op- position for Ieave to include a copy of a prior art reference in the addendum to their blue brief. Upon consideration thereof, I'r ls 0RDERED THAT: VISKASE COMPANIES V. WORLD PAC INTL The motion is granted 2 FoR THE CotmT JUL 1 8 /s/ Jan Horba1y Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Bradford P. Lyer1a, Esq. Gary A. Rosen, Esq. s21 U.S. C0Ud1Eg|lFEPPEALS FOR Tl'lE FEDERAL ClRCUlT JUL 1 8 2011 .|AN HORBALY CLEH( lo