Lufthansa Technik AG v. Astronics Corporation

11-4116 Lufthansa Technik AG v. Astronics Corporation UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT SUMMARY ORDER RULINGS BY SUMMARY ORDER DO NOT HAVE PRECEDENTIAL EFFECT. CITATION TO A SUMMARY ORDER FILED ON OR AFTER JANUARY 1, 2007, IS PERMITTED AND IS GOVERNED BY FEDERAL RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 32.1 AND THIS COURT’S LOCAL RULE 32.1.1. WHEN CITING A SUMMARY ORDER IN A DOCUMENT FILED WITH THIS COURT, A PARTY MUST CITE EITHER THE FEDERAL APPENDIX OR AN ELECTRONIC DATABASE (WITH THE NOTATION “SUMMARY ORDER”). A PARTY CITING A SUMMARY ORDER MUST SERVE A COPY OF IT ON ANY PARTY NOT REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL. 1 At a stated term of the United States Court of Appeals 2 for the Second Circuit, held at the Thurgood Marshall United 3 States Courthouse, 40 Foley Square, in the City of New York, 4 on the 24th day of January, two thousand fourteen. 5 6 PRESENT: DENNIS JACOBS, 7 RAYMOND J. LOHIER, JR., 8 CHRISTOPHER F. DRONEY, 9 Circuit Judges. 10 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X 12 LUFTHANSA TECHNIK AG, 13 Petitioner-Appellant, 14 15 -v.- 11-4116 16 17 ASTRONICS CORPORATION, 18 Respondent-Appellee, 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -X 20 21 FOR APPELLANT: LAWRENCE D. ROSENBERG (Susan M. 22 Gerber, on the brief), Jones 23 Day, Washington, D.C. 24 25 FOR APPELLEE: JONATHAN M. FREIMAN, Wiggin and 26 Dana LLP, New Haven, Conn. 27 1 1 Appeal from a judgment of the United States District 2 Court for the Western District of New York (Arcara, J.). 3 4 UPON DUE CONSIDERATION, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED 5 AND DECREED that the judgment of the district court be 6 AFFIRMED. 7 8 Lufthansa Technik AG appeals from the judgment of the 9 United States District Court for the Western District of New 10 York (Arcara, J.), dismissing Lufthansa’s application for 11 discovery in aid of a foreign proceeding pursuant to 28 12 U.S.C. § 1782. Lufthansa is pursuing a patent infringement 13 claim in Germany against Astronics Advanced Electronic 14 Systems Corporation (“AES”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of 15 respondent Astronics Corporation. Lufthansa has filed two 16 nearly-identical applications for discovery assistance: one 17 in the Western District of Washington against the 18 subsidiary, and the other against the parent in the Western 19 District of New York. The New York court dismissed the 20 petition without prejudice as duplicative of the petition in 21 Washington. We assume the parties’ familiarity with the 22 underlying facts, the procedural history, and the issues 23 presented for review. 24 “As part of its general power to administer its docket, 25 a district court may stay or dismiss a suit that is 26 duplicative of another federal court suit.” Curtis v. 27 Citibank, N.A., 226 F.3d 133, 138 (2d Cir. 2000); see also 2 1 Colo. River Water Conservation Dist. v. United States, 424 2 U.S. 800, 817-18 (1976). “We review the exercise of this 3 power for abuse of discretion.” Curtis, 226 F.3d at 138. 4 The district court appropriately exercised its 5 discretion in dismissing Lufthansa’s duplicative petition. 6 The document requests in both petitions are substantively 7 identical, they relate to the same foreign proceeding, and 8 both corporations are represented by the same counsel. As 9 Lufthansa points out, there is no rule requiring 10 subsidiaries to produce the documents held by a parent; 11 however, courts may at times order the production of those 12 documents in an action against the subsidiary. See, e.g., 13 United States v. Stein, 488 F. Supp. 2d 350, 361 (S.D.N.Y. 14 2007) (“Parent corporations have been compelled to produce 15 documents in the hands of subsidiaries, [and] subsidiaries 16 documents in the hands of their parent entities . . . .”); 17 Ferber v. Sharp Elecs. Corp., No. 84 Civ. 3105, 1984 WL 18 912479, at *1 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 28, 1984). This conclusion is 19 reinforced by assurances and representations made by 20 Astronics at oral argument: 1) Astronics concedes that the 21 Washington court has authority to order it to produce 22 discovery; and 2) Astronics has already searched for 3 1 materials in its possession under the Washington court’s 2 order.1 3 Lufthansa cites the policy purposes behind § 1782 and a 4 historical practice of granting overlapping discovery 5 requests. However, no case supports Lufthansa’s argument 6 that § 1782 forecloses an exercise of discretion to dismiss 7 duplicative actions. To the contrary, district courts have 8 dismissed duplicative § 1782 petitions for reasons similar 9 to the ones discussed in this order. See, e.g., In re Adolf 10 Horler, 799 F. Supp. 1457, 1465 (S.D.N.Y. 1992); In re Alves 11 Braga, 789 F. Supp. 2d 1294, 1310-11 (S.D. Fla. 2011) 12 (staying part of a § 1782 petition pending the resolution of 13 foreign proceedings). Additionally, in many of the cases 14 relied on by Lufthansa, the overlapping discovery requests 15 were filed in a single tribunal, where the risk of competing 16 judgments is lessened. Here, the district judge was 17 appropriately concerned with issuing decisions conflicting 18 with those made by the court in Washington. To protect 19 Lufthansa’s interests, though, the district court dismissed 20 the petition without prejudice in the event the Washington 1 Despite finding several documents responsive to Lufthansa’s discovery request, Astronics claims they are all privileged and has created a privilege log to that effect. 4 1 court could not provide Lufthansa with the discovery it 2 seeks. 3 While Lufthansa argues the district court 4 inappropriately imposed an extra-statutory barrier to its 5 petition, the statute itself is to the contrary. District 6 courts are directed to order discovery “in accordance with 7 the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.” 28 U.S.C. § 1782(a). 8 Thus, “the district court retains broad authority under Fed. 9 R. Civ. P. 26(b)(1) to limit discovery where . . . the 10 discovery sought is unreasonably cumulative or duplicative . 11 . . .” In re Malev Hungarian Airlines, 964 F.2d 97, 102 (2d 12 Cir. 1992) (internal quotation marks omitted). Concern for 13 duplicative § 1782 petitions is not an extra-statutory 14 burden. 15 In regard to Lufthansa’s motion to take judicial notice 16 of related proceedings, the motion is GRANTED. However, 17 finding no merit in Lufthansa’s other arguments, we hereby 18 AFFIRM the judgment of the district court.2 19 20 FOR THE COURT: 21 CATHERINE O’HAGAN WOLFE, CLERK 22 2 To the extent the parties cannot reach an agreement in their discovery conflict, they are encouraged to seek mediation in the Court’s Civil Appeals Management Program (“CAMP”) or a similar program. 5