Zaid v. Bush

IN THE UNI'I`ED STATES OF DISTRICT C()URT FOR THE DIS'I`RICT OF C()LUMBIA WALEED SAEED BN SAEED ZAID (ISN 550), Petitioiier, CiviI Action No. {)S-CV-1646 (JDB) v. ` BARACK H. QBAMA, er ai., Respondents. ‘*-J'\»/\\.»/"-¢..d'\»_d\~»_/\.o*'-J\-J\¢»/\¢/\¢.¢/ S'I`IPULATI()N AND ORDER Upon consideration of the Stipuiated Motion for Voluntary Dismiss'al Without Prej udice and for Continued Access Pursuant to the Protective Order, it is hereby STIPULATED and ()RDERED that: l. Petitioner Waleed Saeed Bn Saeed Zaid’s (ISN 550) Pctition for a Writ ot" I~labeas Corpus is hereby I)ISMISSED without prejudice to his right to re-tile such a petition at any time. 2. This dismissal without prejudice does not waive, and shall not be construed as a waiver oi", any ground for relief that Petitioner may currently have, and Respondents will not contend otherwise it`a petition is re-i'iled. 3. The Protective Order and Procedures for Counsel Access to Detainees at the United States Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, issued by judge Hogan on Septe:nber l l, 2008, in fn re Guam'arwamo Bay Detainee L:`Iigatz`on, No. 08-MC~442 ("I`FI