Al-Zarnouqi v. Bush

IN 'I`HE UNITED STATES DIS’VI`RICT COURT FOR THE I)ISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ) MASHOUR ABD'Ul`..lf.,A.l‘l M`UQBEL ) ALSABRI (lSN 324) ) l Petitiolxor, ) ‘ ) Clvil Action No. 06~1’767 (_RCI,,) V~ ) l BAR,ACK OBAMA, President ofthe ) United States, er czl., ) l Responclents. ) S'I`II’ULA'I`I()N AND ORDE’R REG'AR])INC .PETI”I"I(`)NER’S CON'I`INUED ACCI:`.SS TO COUNSEL WI'IEREAS this case was terminated pursuant to the C.ous.‘t of Appeal’s mandate of lone 20, 2012, affirm/ring the denial ofl’etitioner’s petition for writ of ltabeas corpus (dl§;ax) on Septen:be»t‘ l l, 2008, In res Guanzalncrmo Bay De!az`nee Lz`lz‘g., Misc. No. 08~442 (TFH) (cllct. n,o. 235), and entered in this case on the sanzo date (dkt. no. '73) (lteroinaiter, the "Protootive Orcler"); and WHEREAS respondents do not object to Petitioner’s continued access to counsel on the terms p.rovided below, l'l" IS HBREBY` S’I`IPULA'I`VI§§D AND ORDERED TPIAT; 1. Tho 'Px‘ote<:tive'()rdot' shall remain in effect and continue to govern Petitioner’s access to counsel while he rexnains confined at Gtmntanatxlo Bay and has the t‘lgltt to seek further relief by habeas corpus, whether or not he actually continues to have a petition pending before the Court. 2. This Stipnlation and Ordei' is without prejudice to the parties’ rights to seek to set aside, inodify, or otherwise obtain relief from any provision herein or of the Protective Order on any ground which could be or could have been raised at any time. 3. 'l"he Conrt` shall ret’ain"jurisdic'tion to enforce the tei‘rns of this Stipulation and Ord er. SEEN AND AGREED 'I`C): BETH D. JACOB Kelly Drye & Warren LLP 101 Park Ave. New York, NY 10178 'l`el: 212-808~7800 666 ,Fifth Avenue 23th Floor New York, NY 10103 Tel: (212)745~0858 Attonieys for Petitioiiei' STUART F. DELEI{Y Principal Deputy Asst. Attorney Gexteral IAN GERSI~IENGORN Deputy Assistant Attorney General J,OSEPH l~I. l_lUNT Director TERRY HENRY JAMES G. GII..LIGAN ch Directors ANDREW 1. WARDEN 'I`IMOTHY B. WALTHALL DOUGLAS ROSS U.S. l)epart)nent of Justice Civil Divisioxa, Federal Progranis Branch 20 Massachusetts Ave., NW Wasliiiigton, DC 20530 (202) 616~5084 _Fax: (202) 305-2685 Attorneys for Respondelats S@oni)nnn_ti)ti~iis 91 day/of /)?/»»Jc ,2013. littleton s'rai‘i€s DISTRICT Ji)oon