UNCLASS|F|ED//FOR PUBL|C RELEASE UNITEL) sTA'rEs DISTRICT comm . . . Fon THF. l)lsrlucr 0F c0LvMB1A Info]:,;:‘;§'i(‘)""]’§'e(c:l'j*§t:fl§?f_lcer ) CISO-é . l'lclm)c>od FAI)EL HUSSEIN sALEH ) HENHF, emz., ) Dat° `Z/HZ&Q';` ) Petiti0ner, ) Civil Action No. 06~1766 (RCL) ) v. ) ) BARACK H. oBAMA, ¢¢ az., ) ) Resp0ndents. ) ) MEMoRANnUM AN)) oRI)ER Before the Court is petitioner Fadhel Hussein Saleh Hentif (ISN 259)’s motion for reconsideration [280] of judge Henry H. Kennedy’s August 1, 2011 order [279] denying his petition for a writ of habeas corpus. Upon consideration of the motion, the respondents’ opposition [282] and the petitioner’s reply [283], the entire record herein, and the applicable law, the Court will deny the motion. I. BACKGROUND Pal