An unpub|isllled order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREl\/IE COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA DAVID M. KORREY; AND PAUL E. N0. 64964 WOMMER, €;)'pellants, L E D DAVID CARRASQUILLO, Respondent. APR 1 1 2014 TRAC:E »< LlllL:)EMAN CLER:< or suPREr./»E cc)uRT ev - , DEPUTY CLERK d ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL Appellants’ motion to voluntarily dismiss this appeal is granted, and we thus dismiss this appeal. The parties are to bear their own costs and fees. NRAP 42(b). It is so ORDERED. , A.C,J. cc; H0n. Jessie Elizabeth Walsh, District'Judge David l\/[. Korrey Eisenberg Gilchrist & Cutt lLaw Eighth District Court Clerk SL:PREM£ Coum' oF NEvAnA rul 1<)47.»\ ¢¢-1»753 1|| I