_ cowen en An unpub|ishLLd order shall not be regarded as precedent and shall not be cited as legal authority. SCR 123. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEVADA noNALn MICHAEL cHURcH, N@. 63233 Appellant, VS. MINDY STAR CHURCH, F § E... § Respondent. SEP 1 7 2014 TR l . L|NUEMAN CLE DEPUTY CL€RK ORDER DISMISSING APPEAL The parties’ stipulation to dismiss this appeal is approved. This appeal is hereby dismissed, with the parties to bear their own attorney fees and costs. NRAP 42(b). It is so ORDERED. CLERK OF THE SUPREME CoURT TRACIE K. LINDEMAN . BY:- \_/ O ccc H0n. Jennifer Elliott, District Judge, Family Court Division Robert E. Gast0n, Settlement Judge Mills & Mills LaW Offices of P. Sterling Kerr Eighth District Court Clerk Sur=asmz Coum OF NzvAoA CLERK’S ORDER /4 - §07(¢~¢:
Church v. Church
Combined Opinion