Beam, J. v. Thiele Manufacturing, LLC, Pet

lN THE SUPREME COURT OF PENNSYLVANlA WESTERN D|STR|CT JASON BEA|\/| AND H|S W|FE, KR|ST|E 1 NO. 206 WAL 2014 BEA|V|, ' Respondents Petition for A||owahce of Appea| from the : Order of the Superior Court TH|ELE |\/|ANUFACTUR|NG, LLC, FOR|\/|ERLY KNOWN AS TH|ELE |NC., FOR|\/|ERLY KNOWN AS TYT HOLD|NG, |NC., ' Petitioner ORDER PER CUR|AM AND NOW, this 18th day of September, 2014, the Petition for A||owahce of Appea| is DEN|ED.