Docket Entries |
Date | Type | Description | Pending? | Document |
08/16/2010 | Other | Disqualification of Justice Cherry. Sat in district court proceedings. | | |
08/16/2010 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due. | | |
08/16/2010 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Appeal. Appeal docketed in the Supreme Court this day. (via FTP) | | 10-21093
08/16/2010 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to Pay Supreme Court Filing Fee. No action will be taken on this matter until filing fee is paid. Due Date: 10 days | | 10-21097
08/23/2010 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance. Submitted by Marquis and Aurbach. | | 10-21490
08/24/2010 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Appearance. Representing respondent: Bruno Wolfenzon, Esq. and Jonathan P. Rolle, Esq. of the law firm of Wolfenzon Schulman & Rolle. | | 10-21657
08/24/2010 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Quon Bruce Christensen Nancy Quon. Check No. 11131. | | |
08/24/2010 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice: Referral to Settlement Program. Issued Notice of Referral to Settlement Program. This appeal may be assigned to the settlement program. Timelines for requesting transcripts and filing briefs are stayed. | | 10-21708
08/24/2010 | Notice of Appeal Documents | Filed Certified Copy of Notice of Cross-Appeal. (Docketing statement mailed to counsel for cross-appellant.) | | 10-21713
08/24/2010 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee due. To be transmitted by district court clerk. | | |
08/26/2010 | Filing Fee | Filing Fee Paid. $250.00 from Wolfenzon, Schulman, & Ryan. Check No. 17222. (Respondent/Cross-Appellant) | | |
08/27/2010 | Settlement Notice | Filed Notice: Assignment to Settlement Program - Settlement Judge: Stephen E. Haberfeld | | 10-22135
09/10/2010 | Settlement Program Report | Filed ECAR/Appropriate for Settlement Program. This case is appropriate for mediation and a settlement conference is scheduled for 10/22/10. | | 10-23308
09/14/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Civil Appeals. Submitted by James R. Christensen. | | 10-23652
09/14/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Continuation to Docketing Statement: Exhibit N - Part 7. | | 10-23689
09/14/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Continuation to Docketing Statement: Exhibit N - Part 13. | | 10-23690
09/14/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Continuation to docketing Statement: Exhibit P - Part 1. | | 10-23696
09/14/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Continuation to Docketing Statement: Exhibit P - Part 7. | | 10-23698
09/14/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Docketing Statement Continuation to Docketing Statement: Exhibits Q - U, Part 1. | | 10-23707
09/17/2010 | Docketing Statement | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellants' Docketing Statement Civil Appeals. | | 10-24036
10/25/2010 | Settlement Program Report | Filed Final Report/No Settlement. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement of this matter. | | 10-27861
11/09/2010 | Settlement Order/Procedural | Filed Order: No Settlement/Briefing Reinstated For Appeal and Cross-Appeal. The parties were unable to agree to a settlement. Appellant(s) and Respondent(s): 15 days transcript request; Appellant(s): 90 days opening brief and appendix. Respondent(s): 30 days from opening brief to file combined answering brief on appeal and opening brief on cross-appeal. Appellant(s): 30 days from that combined brief to file combined reply brief on appeal and answering brief on cross-appeal. Respondent(s): 14 days from that combined brief to file reply brief on cross-appeal. | | 10-29289
11/22/2010 | Transcript Request | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Request for Transcript of Proceedings. Transcripts requested: 06/29/09. To Court Reporter: Beverly Signurik. | | 10-30467
12/14/2010 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice to File Transcript Request. Due date: 10 days - Appellant/Cross-Respondent. | | 10-32635
12/27/2010 | Transcript Request | Filed Certificate of No Transcript Request. (Appellant/Cross-Respondent). | | 10-33699
01/13/2011 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order to Show Cause. Appellants and cross-appellant shall have 30 days from the date of this order within which to show cause why this appeal should not be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction. Briefing is suspended. | | 11-01255
02/14/2011 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Respondent/cross-appellant's response to order to show cause due: February 22, 2011. | | 11-04676
02/14/2011 | Motion | Filed Appellants/Cross-Respondents Response to the Order to Show Cause of January 13, 2011; And, Request for an Extended Briefing Schedule. | | 11-04685
02/15/2011 | Motion | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appelant's Response to Order to Show Cause. | | 11-04884
03/28/2011 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Reinstating Briefing. Court Reporter Signurik: 30 days to file certificate of acknowledgement. Appellant: Opening brief due 120 days. | | 11-09266
06/03/2011 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice Regarding Requested Transcripts. Respondent/Cross-Appellant. | | 11-16252
07/07/2011 | Other | Justice Ron Parraguirre disqualified from participation in this matter. Disqualification Reason: Parties | | |
07/26/2011 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Extension Per Telephonic Request. Appellants/cross-respondents' opening brief and appendix due: August 3, 2011. | | 11-22468
07/28/2011 | Motion | Filed Stipulation to Extend Time for Appellants/Cross-Respondents to File Their Opening Brief. | | 11-22725
07/28/2011 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Stipulation Approved. Opening Brief due by August 25, 2011. | | 11-22727
08/23/2011 | Motion | Filed Appellant/Cross-Respondents Motion to Extend Time to File Their Opening Brief. | | 11-25726
09/20/2011 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time to File Opening Brief and Appendix. Appellants/Cross-Respondents: Opening Brief and Appendix due: September 26, 2011. | | 11-28642
09/22/2011 | Motion | Filed Appellant/Cross-Respondents' Motion To Extend Time To File Their Opening Brief. | | 11-28979
10/07/2011 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Denying Motion for Extension of Time. Appellants/Cross-Respondents: Opening Brief and Appendix due: 11 days. | | 11-30690
10/19/2011 | Motion | Filed Motion of Appellant Homeowners for Leave to File an Opening Brief in Excess of 30 pages. | | 11-32259
10/19/2011 | Brief | Received Opening Brief - Appellant/Cross-Respondent (91 pages - via E-Flex). (FILED PER ORDER 11/01/2011). | | |
10/19/2011 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Certificate of Compliance. | | 11-32276
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 1, part 1. | | 11-32282
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 1, part 2. | | 11-32285
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 1, part 3. | | 11-32293
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 2, part 1. | | 11-32316
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 2, part 2. | | 11-32318
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 2, part 3. | | 11-32320
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 3. | | 11-32325
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 4. | | 11-32339
10/19/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volume 5. | | 11-32340
10/20/2011 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Opening Brief - Volumes 6 through 78 (via ftp). | | 11-32401
11/01/2011 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion. We direct the clerk of this court to file the opening brief received on October 19, 2011. | | 11-33598
11/01/2011 | Brief | Filed Appellants/Cross-Respondents Opening Brief. | | 11-33602
11/10/2011 | Motion | Filed Stipulation to Extend Date for Respondent/Cross-Appellant to File their Answering Brief and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal. | | 11-34809
11/10/2011 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Stipulation Approved. Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Answering Brief and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal due January 3, 2012. | | 11-34812
11/14/2011 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Change of Firm Name (Wolfenzon, Schulman & Rolle will now be known as Wolfenzon Rolle). | | 11-35062
12/01/2011 | Motion | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Motion to Extend Time to File its Answering Brief/Opening Brief on Cross Appeal; And Request to be Allowed to File Extended Briefs. | | 11-36879
01/17/2012 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time and for Leave to File Brief with Excess Pages. Respondent/cross-appellant shall have until March 5, 2012, to file and serve the combined brief of no more than 91 pages. | | 12-01614
03/05/2012 | Brief | Filed Answering Brief Respondent-Cross-Appellant's Answering Brief on Appeal and Opening Brief on Cross-Appeal | | 12-06942
03/05/2012 | Appendix | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Appendix Volume 1. | | 12-06945
03/05/2012 | Appendix | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Appendix Volume 1, Part 4. | | 12-06950
03/05/2012 | Appendix | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Appendix Volume 2. | | 12-06951
03/27/2012 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time to File Appellants/Cross-Respondent Answering and Reply Brief (First Request). | | 12-09665
03/29/2012 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Appellants/Cross-respondents: Reply brief and Answering brief due: July 16, 2012. | | 12-09903
07/13/2012 | Motion | Filed Appellants/Cross-Respndents' Motion to File Extended Reply/Answering Brief. | | 12-22200
07/13/2012 | Brief | Received Appellants/Cross-Respondents Reply/Answering brief (via E-Flex). (FILED PER ORDER 8/3/12) | | |
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 1). | | 12-22203
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 2). | | 12-22204
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 3). | | 12-22205
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 4). | | 12-22206
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 5). | | 12-22207
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 6). | | 12-22208
07/13/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix to Reply/Answering Brief Vol 79 (part 7). | | 12-22209
08/03/2012 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Excess Pages. We grant the motion and direct the clerk of this court to file the combined brief provisionally received on July 13, 2012. | | 12-24526
08/03/2012 | Brief | Filed Appellants/Cross-Respondents reply/answering brief. | | 12-24527
08/08/2012 | Motion | Filed Motion to Extend Time to File D.R. Horton's Reply Brief on Cross-Appeal. | | 12-24936
08/23/2012 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Extension of Time. Respondent/cross-appellant's reply brief on cross-appeal due: September 17, 2012. | | 12-26712
09/17/2012 | Brief | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Reply Brief on Cross-Appeal. | | 12-29402
09/17/2012 | Case Status Update | Briefing Completed/To Screening. | | |
12/10/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix Petitioner's Appendix Volume 43 (part 1). | | 12-38809
12/10/2012 | Appendix | Filed Appendix Petitioner's Appendix Volume 43 (part 2). | | 12-38810
01/18/2013 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Clerk to Schedule Oral Argument. The clerk of this court is directed to schedule this matter for oral argument before the en banc court on the next available calendar. | | 13-02033
02/05/2013 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Supplement to Notice of Appearance. (James Christensen for certain appellants/cross-respondents) | | 13-03741
03/07/2013 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Notice Scheduling Oral Argument. Oral Argument is scheduled for Wednesday, May 8, 2013, @ 11:30 a.m. in Carson City. Argument shall be limited to 30 minutes. | | 13-06937
04/22/2013 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Oral Argument Reminder Notice. | | 13-11747
04/25/2013 | Brief | Filed Notice of Supplemental Authorities of Respondent/Cross-Appellant D.R. Horton, Inc. | | 13-12231
04/30/2013 | Brief | Filed Petitioners' Response to Supplemental Authorities Filed by Respondent/Cross-Appellant D.R. Horton. | | 13-12552
05/02/2013 | Motion | Filed Motion for Determination of Representation of Homeowners by Attorney James R. Christensen. | | 13-12825
05/03/2013 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order. This case is currently scheduled for oral argument on May 8, 2013, at 11:30 a.m. Court requests that Christensen address certain issues. | | 13-13047
05/08/2013 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Supplement to Notice of Appearance (James Christensen, P.C., appearing on behalf of Appellants/Respondents: Patricia Barrett, Wanda Berkholtz, Clifford Couser, Margaret Dudley, Jessica L. Grant, Robert Gunderson, Phyllis Gunderson, Nancy Jansen, Michelle Ingram Johnson, Juan Lopez, Shonna Mayfield, Patrick McGough, John Menichelli, Bernadette Menichelli, Lynn Nowakowski, Wendy Murata, Gunther R. Paul, Helen Scungio, Linda Waters, Robert Weber and Barbara Werra). | | 13-13525
05/08/2013 | Case Status Update | Oral argument held this day. Case submitted for decision. Before the En Banc Court. | | |
05/10/2013 | Brief | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Supplemental Brief Requested at Oral Argument. | | 13-13867
05/10/2013 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Certificate of Compliance for Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Supplemental Brief Requested at Oral Argument. | | 13-13868
05/16/2013 | Brief | Filed Response to Supplemental Brief (requested at oral argument) Filed by Respondent/Cross-Appellant D.R. Horton. | | 13-14574
06/11/2013 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Supplemental Briefing. Appellant has 15 days from this order's date to file and serve its supplemental brief addressing these and any other related issues. Respondents have 15 days to file and serve a response. The page/type volume limitations applicable to reply briefs under NRAP 32(a)(7)(A) (15 pages, 7000 words or 650 lines of text) apply. | | 13-17078
06/14/2013 | Motion | Filed Motion for Clarification of Court's June 11, 2013 Order. | | 13-17674
06/14/2013 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Clarification. Respondent/cross-appellant, D.R. Horton, Inc., has filed a motion seeking clarification of this court's June 11, 2013, order directing supplemental briefing and setting deadlines for the parties to file their supplemental briefs. Having considered the motion, we grant it and clarify that appellants/cross-respondents have until June 26, 2013 (the deadline set forth in the June 11 order), to file and serve their supplemental brief. D.R. Horton shall then have 15 days from service of appellants/cross-respondents' supplemental brief to file a supplemental answering brief. | | 13-17701
06/26/2013 | Brief | Filed Appellants'/Cross Defendants' Supplemental Brief. | | 13-18774
07/12/2013 | Order/Clerk's | Filed Order Granting Telephonic Extension. Respondent/cross-appellant shall have until July 18, 2013, to file and serve the supplemental answering brief. | | 13-20383
07/19/2013 | Brief | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Supplemental Brief Requested by Court's June 11, 2013 Order. | | 13-21250
02/27/2014 | Opinion/Dispositional | Filed Authored Opinion. "Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded." Before the Court EN BANC. fn1-[The Honorable Michael A. Cherry, Justice, and the Honorable Ron D. Parraguirre, Justice, voluntarily recused themselves from participation in this matter.] Author: Douglas, J. Majority: Douglas/Gibbons/Pickering/Hardesty/Saitta. 130 Nev. Adv. Opn. No. 9. | | 14-06400
03/17/2014 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Petition for Rehearing. (Appellants/Cross-Respondents (Barrett and others) represented by James Christensen). | | 14-08614
03/17/2014 | Filing Fee | Filing fee paid. E-Payment $150.00 from James R. Christensen | | |
03/25/2014 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney, Micah S. Echols of Marquis Aurbach Coffing, attorney for the Respondent. | | 14-09293
03/25/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Directing Answer to Petition for Rehearing. Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Answer due: 15 days. | | 14-09433
04/07/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion to Withdraw as Counsel. The clerk of this court shall remove Marquis Aurbach Coffing and Mr. Juan and Mr. Echols as counsel of record for D.R. Horton. D.R. Horton continues to be represented by Wolfenzon Rolle and attorney Jonathan P. Rolle. | | 14-10861
04/08/2014 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Respondent/Cross-Appellant's Answer to Petition for Rehearing. | | 14-11195
04/14/2014 | Motion | Filed Motion for Leave to File Reply in Support of Petition for Rehearing. | | 14-11981
04/14/2014 | Post-Judgment Petition | Received Reply to Answer to Petition for Rehearing. (FILED PER ORDER 4/18/14). | | |
04/18/2014 | Order/Procedural | Filed Order Granting Motion for Leave to File Reply. The clerk of this court shall file the reply received on April 14, 2014. | | 14-12577
04/18/2014 | Post-Judgment Petition | Filed Reply in Support of Petition for Rehearing Pursuant to NRAP 40. (Appellants/Cross-Respondents (Barrett and others) represented by James Christensen). | | 14-12582
04/23/2014 | Post-Judgment Order | Filed Order Denying Rehearing. "Rehearing Denied." NRAP 40(c). | | 14-13013
04/23/2014 | Notice/Incoming | Filed Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney. (Megan K. Dorsey, Esq. and the Law firm of Koeller, Nebeker, Carlson & Haluck, LLP.) | | 14-13023
05/19/2014 | Remittitur | Issued Remittitur. | | 14-16175
05/19/2014 | Case Status Update | Remittitur Issued/Case Closed. | | |
05/29/2014 | Remittitur | Filed Remittitur. Received by District Court Clerk on May 21, 2014. | | 14-16175
09/03/2014 | Notice/Outgoing | Issued Letter to Publishers with corrections to recently filed opinions. (Letter dated July 17, 2014) Nos. 58602/59387/63724/64194/56614/58345/62489/62615/57324/59290. (Letter entered in 58602 as document no. 14-29096.) | | |